πŸ’œ Leda πŸ’• - Virtual Reality Painting

2832 views   |   01:58   |   2021-08-20   |   144 likes / 1 dislikes

Watch video in Peertube.annadreambrush.com Open in new tab

Anna Dream Brush

Hosted on Peertube.annadreambrush.com

"Leda" In Greek mythology, Leda, an Aetolian princess, was admired by Zeus who took the form of a swan to seduce her.

1/1 edition πŸ”₯ available on SuperRareπŸ’Ž πŸ‘‰https://superrare.com/artwork-v2/leda-27388

#virtualreality #art #NFT

Category Entertainment
Licence 9