
Found 167 videos

video feu by Main clg.brel_chazelle channel

video feu

Main clg.brel_chazelle channel   |   1 views   |   2021-02-02

Réponse d'une élève à l'incitation : Ce que je vois est le contraire de ce que je lis

Self portrait (WIP 2022-02-02) by Sketches

Self portrait (WIP 2022-02-02)

Sketches   |   1 views   |   2022-04-17

This is my first ever recognizable likeness. You don't know the model so you'll just have to take my word on this. It has taken one week so far but there’s still a lot more I can do with it. I haven’t even turned off symmetry and put any of the...

photomontage 02 by Main clg.brel_chazelle channel

photomontage 02

Main clg.brel_chazelle channel   |   1 views   |   2021-09-25

tuto gimp

Hans Heisz - Vortrag - Die Kunst im Menschenkleid by orangeicebear TV

Hans Heisz - Vortrag - Die Kunst im Menschenkleid

orangeicebear TV   |   1 views   |   2021-07-19

Diskussionsvortrag über die Interna der Kunst mit Hans Heisz Crossover Künstler Leider der Kunstplattform Q202 Aufgezeichnet am 7. Juni 2018 bei boesner Wien

Théatre - juin 2015 by Chaîne des projets Théâtre Clg JM de Villefranche

Théatre - juin 2015

Chaîne des projets Théâtre Clg JM de Villefranche   |   1 views   |   2020-09-17