
Found 559 videos

sunset_over_sea_ice (Original) by Ice and Climate

sunset_over_sea_ice (Original)

Ice and Climate   |   44 views   |   2024-01-25

Gratuitous fieldwork video alert! This is a very short clip from fieldwork last year. Although the focus of my work is the glaciers and the snow, being in the environment gives opportunity for many other interesting observations. In this case, the...

ADD-ONS | Thunderbird Community Office Hours by Thunderbird

ADD-ONS | Thunderbird Community Office Hours

Thunderbird   |   43 views   |   2024-02-27

Here is the replay of our February 22, 2024 Community Office Hours event focused on Thunderbird Add-ons, featuring software engineer John Bieling. John broadly discusses the Add-ons ecosystem, answers some burning questions like "why is my favorit...

Coder 563: Mike’s No Good Very Bad Rails Update by live

Coder 563: Mike’s No Good Very Bad Rails Update

live   |   41 views   |   2024-03-26

Mike makes the case for just going vanilla, a look at Google Carbon, and then we address the expensive elephant in the room. Audio: Video: Chat:

Use Rust in iOS Apps by Dodgy Coding

Use Rust in iOS Apps

Dodgy Coding   |   39 views   |   2019-09-05

A tutorial to create a new Rust library, compile it as a static library for iOS, and use it in an Xcode project. We then automate a convenient development workflow and explore some of the data types and callbacks that you can use to communicate be...

Bluebot au CP by Main rdri69 channel

Bluebot au CP

Main rdri69 channel   |   39 views   |   2018-12-15

Après deux séances dites "débranchées", une classe de CP découvre les robots Beebot et Bluebot. Pendant 4 séances, ils vont programmer les robots. Maintenant, ils savent ce que veut dire coder un déplacement, le décoder, donner des instructions et...

Coder 546: A Very Tidy Excuse by live

Coder 546: A Very Tidy Excuse

live   |   38 views   |   2023-11-27

The messy details and tidy excuses we noticed in all this OpenAI upset, and some fundamental problems that have been plaguing desktop Linux for years.

Merci Masto by Du Cuir & Des Lames

Merci Masto

Du Cuir & Des Lames   |   36 views   |   2021-01-21

Merci Mastodon Grâce à vous voilà ce que vous m'avez offert permet de faire, je ne vais plus perdre 3h pour encoder 30mn mais plutôt passer 20mn pour en encoder 45... Je n'ai pas de mots, assez forts, assez beaux pour vous dire combien je vous s...

FOSDEM 2021 - Mental Health and Free Software by Brendan Abolivier

FOSDEM 2021 - Mental Health and Free Software

Brendan Abolivier   |   35 views   |   2021-02-09

Mental health is becoming a bigger and bigger focus, and this rise in awareness picked up even more speed with the current health crisis. People are now more aware of the importance of their own mental health and self-care. By its nature and the k...

Mais dis-donc Jamy ! Qu'est-ce que donc que le Fediverse ? by Hygiène Numérique

Mais dis-donc Jamy ! Qu'est-ce que donc que le Fediverse ?

Hygiène Numérique   |   33 views   |   2021-03-23

Ce Dimanche 28 mars 2021, à 14h, nous explorerons ce qu'est le Fediverse avec l'ami 12b ! Comme à chaque fois, on se fera ça à la cool, sans pression ! Si vous avez des remarques, vous pouvez commenter sous la vidéo ou sur Mastodon avec le h...

Analyse thermographique des bâtiments du collège Colette by CollègeColette ST PRIEST

Analyse thermographique des bâtiments du collège Colette

CollègeColette ST PRIEST   |   33 views   |   2021-11-29

Activité de présentation d'une analyse thermographique d'un bâtiment à l'aide d'une caméra thermique Infrarouge installée sur un drone. Article plus complet sur notre site web :

GedCom non obsolète by Ancestris

GedCom non obsolète

Ancestris   |   33 views   |   2020-06-26

Conférence donnée en replay le 27/6/2020 au salon virtuel de généalogie. La grammaire GedCom n'est pas obsolète il suffit de l'exploiter à fond.

Skalierung von Videokonferenzdiensten   (Roland Alton) by Linux Day 2020

Skalierung von Videokonferenzdiensten (Roland Alton)

Linux Day 2020   |   32 views   |   2021-01-08

Skalierung von Videokonferenzdiensten Beginn: 10.10.2020 - 10:00 Raumnummer: Block 2 Referent: Roland Alton Zielgruppe: Business Zum Lockdown stieg der Bedarf an Videokonferenzen. Bei der fairkom Gesellschaft ging die virtualisierte...

SNT - Le Web - Introduction en GIF by SNTube

SNT - Le Web - Introduction en GIF

SNTube   |   27 views   |   2019-12-03

Petite introduction au Web pour le cours de SNT en seconde : HTML, CSS et Javascript

Start Collaborating on by Updates

Start Collaborating on Updates   |   26 views   |   2020-07-14

Learn how to start collaborating on with our newest feature, Teams. This will walk you through creating a team, starting a shared blog, and inviting collaborators.

Privacy on Lightning - Bastien Teinturier - Day 2 DEV Track - AB21 by Adopting Bitcoin

Privacy on Lightning - Bastien Teinturier - Day 2 DEV Track - AB21

Adopting Bitcoin   |   25 views   |   2021-12-08

UTXO and payment privacy in the Lightning Network broken down to on-chain to off-chain vs off-chain to off-chain txs and the benefits of Trampoline Routing in combination with Route Blinding. The talk was rescheduled from Day 1 to Day 2 on short ...

Recap Fedicamp - Vortrag von by raumhueter

Recap Fedicamp - Vortrag von

raumhueter   |   25 views   |   2023-08-17

Rückblick auf das Fedicamp 2023 von In Berlin fand am 31. Juli, 1. und 2. August 2023 ein FediTreff statt, bei dem auch Vorträge gehalten wurden, von denen einige aufgezeichnet wurden. @TheSecondVariation@graz.s...

Building for the Remnant - Aleks Svetski - Day 2 ECON Track - AB21 by Adopting Bitcoin

Building for the Remnant - Aleks Svetski - Day 2 ECON Track - AB21

Adopting Bitcoin   |   24 views   |   2021-12-08

Is mass adoption significant or selective adoption more critical? If the masses will be forced to join, then why not focus on the remnants? Aleks is the founder of Amber, the worlds first Bitcoin DCA app. He is a writer at Bitcoin Magazine & The ...

Il Web "2.5" -Qyd0ro by End Summer Camp: Main channel

Il Web "2.5" -Qyd0ro

End Summer Camp: Main channel   |   24 views   |   2023-09-09

Libertà e tecnologia sembrano oggi essere due pianeti spesso distanti: l'uso diffuso di prodotti commerciali quali i social network di massa ha normalizzato l'idea che il mondo dei computer - di cui gli "smart" phones fanno parte - funzioni così e...