
Found 966 videos

 Du Logiciel Libre à la Monnaie Libre - Librelois by quercus_robur

Du Logiciel Libre à la Monnaie Libre - Librelois

quercus_robur   |   0 views   |   2021-06-01

Et si on appliquait les principes du Logiciel Libre a l’Économie ? Il fallait y penser, Stéphane Laborde l’a fait en 2010 en posant 4 libertés économiques qui sont la suite logique des 4 libertés logicielles de Stallman. 7 ans plus tard une...

HyperV Lab - Active Directory, DNS und DHCP Setup by LastBreach

HyperV Lab - Active Directory, DNS und DHCP Setup

LastBreach   |   0 views   |   2021-06-27

Heute kümmern wir uns um den Unterbau unseres Test-Labs - die ActiveDirectory Umgebung. Die hängt in der Regel bei jeder Anwendung und jedem Server immer irgendwie mit drin. Was soll also schon schief gehen. -= Newsletter =- Abonniere unseren ...

SSL/TLS Server Sicherheit einfach mit sslscan überprüfen by LastBreach

SSL/TLS Server Sicherheit einfach mit sslscan überprüfen

LastBreach   |   0 views   |   2021-09-06

Auf Anfrage in den Kommentaren zeige ich heute, wir man mit sslscan (und alternative mit Qualys SSL Labs) die SSL/TLS Konfiguration eines Servers testet. Dabei ist sslscan nicht nur auf HTTPS beschränkt sondern unterstützt neben anderen auch IMAPS...

Intro to Website Resources for Lunatics Project by Lunatics Project (Channel)

Intro to Website Resources for Lunatics Project

Lunatics Project (Channel)   |   0 views   |   2022-05-29

A tour of the resources we have available through our project website for people who would like to contribute, reuse our source materials, or just know more about the project's internals. [NOTE (2022): This video from 2014 is quite dated, of co...

Linux Day 2015: Devops - Nuovi modi per gestire i server by

Linux Day 2015: Devops - Nuovi modi per gestire i server   |   0 views   |   2023-11-20

Francesco Vigotti, creatore e gestore di e …uno che la sa lunga , ci parla delle più recenti tecnologie opensource per gestire server: DevOps e Ansible.

Linux Day 2015: Sincronizzare e condividere con OwnCloud by

Linux Day 2015: Sincronizzare e condividere con OwnCloud   |   0 views   |   2023-11-20

Andrea Magiatordi, uno che ha fatto la storia del BgLUG e ora socio fondatore del BrigX (il LUG della Brianza), ci parla di OwnCloud, famosa piattaforma opensource per gestire il proprio cloud privato.

my_evilwm_desktop by starwars


starwars   |   0 views   |   2020-09-12

A tour of my evilwm desktop and how it setup

Freins et leviers - Anouck Hubert by Labos1point5

Freins et leviers - Anouck Hubert

Labos1point5   |   0 views   |   2020-11-12

Lien vers :

François Thill: 20 years of Cybersecurity! by Lëtz talk about Cyber

François Thill: 20 years of Cybersecurity!

Lëtz talk about Cyber   |   0 views   |   2020-11-13

Cybersecurity celebrate its 20th Birthday in Luxembourg. François Thill reminds us the first steps and the numberous initiatives that have led to the developpment of a whole Ecosystem.

Be aware... you're on air! by Secure IoT

Be aware... you're on air!

Secure IoT   |   0 views   |   2020-11-13

Protect yourself. Secure your connected devices.

Le french UOS summary - UOS 1511 by Ubuntu Online Summit

Le french UOS summary - UOS 1511

Ubuntu Online Summit   |   0 views   |   2019-06-03

Bonjour ! This session was set at the end of the event because it aims to do a summary of the others sessions of the Ubuntu Online Summit 1511. Nous allons proposer une session en français afin de résumer ce qu'il a été conclut dans l'ensemble d...