
Found 272 videos

Magical Doremi [S1E23] - À la recherche des boules de magie  by [FR] Magical Doremi - Saison 1 Remasterisée

Magical Doremi [S1E23] - À la recherche des boules de magie

[FR] Magical Doremi - Saison 1 Remasterisée   |   17 views   |   2020-10-05

Après une dispute avec son père, Sophie s’enfuit de chez elle. Les filles ont besoin de boules magiques pour aider leurs parents, elles vont devoir travailler pour la reine.

Magical Doremi [S1E19] - L'enlèvement d'Émilie  by [FR] Magical Doremi - Saison 1 Remasterisée

Magical Doremi [S1E19] - L'enlèvement d'Émilie

[FR] Magical Doremi - Saison 1 Remasterisée   |   17 views   |   2020-10-05

Durant son dernier jour sans magie après avoir transgressé les lois du monde magique, Émilie est enlevée par deux malfaiteurs et seules Doremi et Sophie peuvent la sauver.

Magical Doremi [S1E18] - Magie interdite by [FR] Magical Doremi - Saison 1 Remasterisée

Magical Doremi [S1E18] - Magie interdite

[FR] Magical Doremi - Saison 1 Remasterisée   |   17 views   |   2020-10-05

Lors d'un examen, Émilie utilise la magie pour soigner un animal, mais elle n'en a pas le droit. La reine lui interdit alors de pratiquer la magie pendant 10 jours.

Magical Doremi [S1E16] - Le lac des amoureux by [FR] Magical Doremi - Saison 1 Remasterisée

Magical Doremi [S1E16] - Le lac des amoureux

[FR] Magical Doremi - Saison 1 Remasterisée   |   17 views   |   2020-10-05

Le père de Doremi l'emmène elle et ses amies pour pêcher avec un jeune garçon qui partage sa passion.

Magical Doremi [S1E14] - Une mission difficile by [FR] Magical Doremi - Saison 1 Remasterisée

Magical Doremi [S1E14] - Une mission difficile

[FR] Magical Doremi - Saison 1 Remasterisée   |   17 views   |   2020-10-05

Naomi est insultée par le SOS Trio car elle est grande et plus forte que les autres filles de son âge.

Magical Doremi [S2E37] - L'examen de Bibi et Flora by [FR] Magical Doremi - Saison 2 Remasterisée

Magical Doremi [S2E37] - L'examen de Bibi et Flora

[FR] Magical Doremi - Saison 2 Remasterisée   |   16 views   |   2020-11-07

Flora passe son examen médical, tandis que pendant ce temps, Bibi passe son examen d'apprentie sorcière.

Magical Doremi [S2E36] - Le défi  by [FR] Magical Doremi - Saison 2 Remasterisée

Magical Doremi [S2E36] - Le défi

[FR] Magical Doremi - Saison 2 Remasterisée   |   16 views   |   2020-11-07

Sophie bat Léon du FLAT4 et celui-ci tient absolument à prendre sa revanche, même lorsque Flora se perd pour attraper une libellule.

Logging by explain


explain   |   12 views   |   2023-04-03

Pepper & Carrot ep. 4 "Stroke of Genius" (Teaser) by Film Freedom Project (Channel)

Pepper & Carrot ep. 4 "Stroke of Genius" (Teaser)

Film Freedom Project (Channel)   |   11 views   |   2022-11-24

Teaser for upcoming motion comic animated episode 4 of "Pepper & Carrot". Based on the comic by David Revoy ( ) Animated by Morevna Project ( )

[vtravelog] 230112 Milano by Luka Prinčič

[vtravelog] 230112 Milano

Luka Prinčič   |   11 views   |   2023-01-20

Shot very few clips on this short visit to Milano (4 days) and today found these 'milanese' canzone collection on youtube, so naturally, put them together. Just a simple snapshot of time.

Expedition Sasquatch (podcast edition) - s02e01 - #13 - Cactus Man Part One by New Ellijay TV

Expedition Sasquatch (podcast edition) - s02e01 - #13 - Cactus Man Part One

New Ellijay TV   |   10 views   |   2023-11-24

A video accompaniment to our podcast [Expedition Sasquatch]( (Not our TV show [Expedition Sasquatch]( which is a related but indep...

"Lubo"  wants YOU to support our "Lunatics!" Kickstarter by Lunatics Project (Channel)

"Lubo" wants YOU to support our "Lunatics!" Kickstarter

Lunatics Project (Channel)   |   9 views   |   2022-05-28

Please support our [Kickstarter campaign]( to create a pilot episode for [Lunatics!]( It's going to be a humorous, fan-funded...

Literal 2023 / Trobada entre editorials i biblioteques públiques by Literal, fira d'idees i llibres radicals

Literal 2023 / Trobada entre editorials i biblioteques públiques

Literal, fira d'idees i llibres radicals   |   9 views   |   2023-05-11

La Fira Literal va organitzar una sessió prèvia a la 9a edició de la fira perquè les editorials participants poguessin fer arribar les seves propostes a les biblioteques públiques. També apropen aquestes propostes a tot el públic interessat. Mé...

Operational Demo of Launch Pad Model for Lunatics! by Lunatics Project (Channel)

Operational Demo of Launch Pad Model for Lunatics!

Lunatics Project (Channel)   |   7 views   |   2022-05-29

A demonstration of animating the "Gagarin Start" launch pad model for ["Lunatics!" Kickstarter]( Model by Chris Kuhn, based on photo and drawing references from RosCosmos and NASA. Rendering, animation, and compositing ...

Making an Orangepresso Timelapse by explain

Making an Orangepresso Timelapse

explain   |   7 views   |   2023-10-11

This is a Timelapse of making an Orangespresso from scratch using fresh oranges, HARIO Travel Grinder and the Wacaco Picopresso. The whole process took about 10 minutes.

PBS #13: This is high signal by PBS

PBS #13: This is high signal

PBS   |   6 views   |   2022-05-08

Join Car and Michael host another Pleb Broadcasting Service. Pleb Broadcasting Service was broadcasted from Austin, Texas on May 6th in front of a live Pleb audience. Built by the Plebs for the Plebs. Save 10% for Use co...

"Art Now!"  Interview with Allen Emerson (draft version) by Lunatics Project (Channel)

"Art Now!" Interview with Allen Emerson (draft version)

Lunatics Project (Channel)   |   6 views   |   2022-05-28

We did this sometime back, and I thought I had uploaded it, but it seems not. This an art interview program in which artist Allen Emerson is introduced.This was used as an audition script for Allen for Lunatics. In this version, though, I (Terr...

Hörfassung des Newsletters von Januar 2023 by Neuigkeiten und Informationen

Hörfassung des Newsletters von Januar 2023

Neuigkeiten und Informationen   |   5 views   |   2023-01-17

Links aus dem Newsletter * [REFA-Grundausbildung]( * [REFA-Organisator]( * [Vorbereitung auf die Ausbildereignun...

Year of 2021 in Review by Lunatics Project: Timelapse Screencasts

Year of 2021 in Review

Lunatics Project: Timelapse Screencasts   |   5 views   |   2022-05-31

A 10-minute overview of the production and development work I did for "Lunatics!" and related projects in 2021. Happy New Year!

The Red Spectre (Segundo De Chomón 1907) by Archives

The Red Spectre (Segundo De Chomón 1907)

Archives   |   5 views   |   2023-09-15

Segundo De Chomón is often written off as an imitator of the more well remembered Georges Méliès (and, in fairness, his most well known work may just be his nearly shot for shot remake of Georges Méliès' Trip to the Moon) but I believe this film d...

Le french UOS summary 16.05 by Ubuntu Online Summit

Le french UOS summary 16.05

Ubuntu Online Summit   |   5 views   |   2019-06-03

Retrouver tout le détails sur: Bonjour ! Be part of the UOS, in french. This session should be set at the end of the event because it will aims to do a summary of the others session...

Milf 💞 by Mitică

Milf 💞

Mitică   |   5 views   |   2020-04-01

Te iubesc 💞 femeie !!!