
Found 910 videos

16.04 - Debian by Ubuntu Party - Paris

16.04 - Debian

Ubuntu Party - Paris   |   38 views   |   2019-01-03

Bitcoin Unlimited Vs BSVers [Compressor Retake] by Main cryptoshoppe channel

Bitcoin Unlimited Vs BSVers [Compressor Retake]

Main cryptoshoppe channel   |   1 views   |   2019-09-20

Covers why Norway should have been removed on first BUIP. Retaliatory BUIPs and drama. Retaken version with compressor and new microphone.

Fight for Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Because it's Ours [Compressor Audio] by Main cryptoshoppe channel

Fight for Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Because it's Ours [Compressor Audio]

Main cryptoshoppe channel   |   1 views   |   2019-09-20

Why we must stand and fight for Bitcoin Cash (BCH). Bitcoin was always Libre Software Licensed under the MIT License. No one is taking it away from us, we will stand and fight for what we believe in.

ontodot  usage by cnngimenez_sw

ontodot usage

cnngimenez_sw   |   2 views   |   2020-03-22

ontodot is a SWI Prolog library. It creates a dot formatted graph from a Turtle (or RDF) file. This video shows how to load and use it to create the dot and a PNG file from a simple .ttl file. Repositories: - Bitbucket: https://bitbucket.o...

ontodot-el by cnngimenez_sw


cnngimenez_sw   |   1 views   |   2020-03-22

ontodot-el usage example for Emacs. Repositories: - Bitbucket : - Gitlab: ---- Listening at that moment: Law' - Terre de coluleurs (Lic. CC-By-SA) [...

Fablabs libres ? Où en est-on vraiment aujourd'hui ? by Chaine de Chantierlibre

Fablabs libres ? Où en est-on vraiment aujourd'hui ?

Chaine de Chantierlibre   |   3 views   |   2019-08-31

Dans les fablabs et autres lieux de fabrication collaboratifs on croise des imprimantes 3D libres, des arduino et on partage les données et les projets. On y enseigne cependant souvent des logiciels propriétaires et les découpeuses laser et fraise...

Fraizilla, la méga fraiseuse libre by Chaine de Chantierlibre

Fraizilla, la méga fraiseuse libre

Chaine de Chantierlibre   |   20 views   |   2019-08-30

Présentation de Fraizilla, fraiseuse de grande dimension OpenHardware. Pour nous aider à fabriquer le premier prototype vous pouvez soutenir notre campagne de financement participatif:

Fraizilla, the big and hungry openhardware CNC by Chaine de Chantierlibre

Fraizilla, the big and hungry openhardware CNC

Chaine de Chantierlibre   |   5 views   |   2019-08-30

This is a short description of our openhardware CNC Fraizilla. If you want us to publish all the files (freecad 3D files and building instructions) of this CNC, you can support our crowdfunding campaign:

Why Wholesale Distributors in the US should be using Matomo by MatomoCamp Recordings

Why Wholesale Distributors in the US should be using Matomo

MatomoCamp Recordings   |   7 views   |   2022-11-28

As a distributor, it is key to look beyond just anonymous visitor data. It is important to understand what your customer interactions are from what they are searching to what additional features they are utilizing on your website. Matomo has ...

Datenschutzkonformes Performance Marketing mit Matomo by MatomoCamp Recordings

Datenschutzkonformes Performance Marketing mit Matomo

MatomoCamp Recordings   |   8 views   |   2022-11-23

Kennst Du die Premium-Erweiterung "Advertising Conversion Export"? Mit dieser Erweiterung kannst Du recht einfach die erreichten Ziele Deiner Besucher als Offline-Conversions nach Google Ads exportieren. Cool. Aber es gibt noch mehr... Ich zeige D...

Das Problem "zu viel" - Mehr Insights in Matomo by MatomoCamp Recordings

Das Problem "zu viel" - Mehr Insights in Matomo

MatomoCamp Recordings   |   4 views   |   2022-11-23

Es gibt eine wunderbare Erweiterung mit dem Namen "Tracking Spam Prevention", die leider bisher viel zu selten in Matomo-Instanzen zu finden ist. Zu selten, denn sie hilft dabei, die Datenqualität zu verbessern, um automatisierte Zugriffe von Serv...

How to use Matomo Log Analysis to retrieve audience data by MatomoCamp Recordings

How to use Matomo Log Analysis to retrieve audience data

MatomoCamp Recordings   |   13 views   |   2022-11-22

We will explain why use this feature and the common case scenarios, the difference between Logs import and JavaScript Client; il will also cover the technical parts such as how to configure Matomo to proceed with this task (Matomo On-Premise / Clo...