
Found 233 videos

OurPurpose_720p450s by The One Law test


The One Law test   |   3 views   |   2023-05-20

This it he message about how to recognize your purpose within The-One-Law

LTS Secure ZTNA & SASE Solution for enterprisewide _Zero Trust_ model security. by Kent Willson

LTS Secure ZTNA & SASE Solution for enterprisewide _Zero Trust_ model security.

Kent Willson   |   4 views   |   2022-09-23

ZTNA is a small part of SASE. SASE restricts access of all edges — sites, mobile users, and cloud resources — in accordance with ZTNA principles. In other words, SASE’s NGFW and SWG capabilities are how SASE restricts access; ZTNA is the degree to...

The LTS Secure _AMPLIFY Partner Program_ by Kent Willson

The LTS Secure _AMPLIFY Partner Program_

Kent Willson   |   0 views   |   2022-09-23

With the continued evolution of digital transformation and consumer purchasing habits, LTS Secure offers the insights, skills, and collaboration tools required to achieve success.

LTS Accelerator Program by leotechnosoft

LTS Accelerator Program

leotechnosoft   |   3 views   |   2022-09-22

We used to be young too. Over 14 years ago, we were a small startup that wanted to change the world. We do it every day, so we know exactly what it's like to dream big.We know that big dreams mean big challenges. We know you need a little help to ...

La Laudato sii e la dichiarazione di Akkra by il canale del Pastore

La Laudato sii e la dichiarazione di Akkra

il canale del Pastore   |   28 views   |   2023-06-08

Due documenti a confronto. Don Ernesto Piraino, parroco di Guardia Piemontese e Jens Hansen, pastore della chiesa valdese di Dipignano

Nous Autres - reportage Eco-Working by Nous Autres

Nous Autres - reportage Eco-Working

Nous Autres   |   0 views   |   2021-04-04

Pierre, fondateur de Eco Watt Système , nous fait visiter son espace eco-working dans le Sud de la France . un espace de travail collaboratif partagé avec Phillipe et son association le second souffle de Gaia. https:...

Occupy Sundance Film Festival by theconspiracydistillery

Occupy Sundance Film Festival

theconspiracydistillery   |   2 views   |   2021-04-21

Lisa Clapier, Occupy Wall Street Los Angeles Media Producer Occupies Sundance Film Festival 2012 in Park City Utah, January 2012. Occupy Sundance Film Festival 2012 was historic!!! Featuring Occupy Wall Street Filmmaker's beautiful portrayal, sha...

Occupy LA Activists Meet with Wells Fargo Bank by IAM a jackass

Occupy LA Activists Meet with Wells Fargo Bank

IAM a jackass   |   0 views   |   2021-04-17

Wells Fargo Bank host a meeting with Activists from Occupy Los Angeles, February 6th, 2012. Activists request 'End Foreclosures now!' All these beautiful Occupiers, still gift their talents and genius to humanity! We are so so so grateful, for th...

Teaser - Quitter Facebook ? by Quitter Facebook

Teaser - Quitter Facebook ?

Quitter Facebook   |   0 views   |   2021-06-07

S’informer sur le film "Quitter Facebook ?" et/ou participer : Cyril SLUCKI +33 6 37 93 12 82 (Tél + Signal) Auteur-réalisateur Blog du projet :

Stuttgart: Freiheit ist das einzige was zählt by Markus Huck

Stuttgart: Freiheit ist das einzige was zählt

Markus Huck   |   36 views   |   2021-06-07

Stuttgart, 03.04:2021 Abonniere bitte ❤️ meinen Telegram Kanal Abonniere bitte meinen Youtube Kanal und klicke auch die Glocke, denn dann wirst Du über ein neues Video oder einen „Livestream“ direkt inform...

Die Gefahren für Reporter lauern an jeder Ecke by Markus Huck

Die Gefahren für Reporter lauern an jeder Ecke

Markus Huck   |   196 views   |   2021-06-07

Stuttgart, Theodor-Heuss-Straße, 03.04.2021 Das Kamerateam „We the people - Wir sind der Souverän“ / Markus Haintz übt sich im Hochsprung, beim Überwinden einer Absperrung und der SWR läuft einfach weiter. Abonniere bitte ❤️ meinen Teleg...

Sur les choses qui vous ressemblaient plus... by Quitter Facebook

Sur les choses qui vous ressemblaient plus...

Quitter Facebook   |   6 views   |   2021-06-09

**Extraits de l'interview de Kevin Polizzi, fondateur de Jaguar Network, dans le cadre du projet "Quitter Facebook ?"** Pour cette vidéo / Image : Chau Doan Son : Alexandre Bismuth Montage : Cyril Slucki Lumière : Mathieu Bordat Musique : José de...

Vorberichterstattung EM-Gruppenspiel Frankreich - Deutschland by Markus Huck

Vorberichterstattung EM-Gruppenspiel Frankreich - Deutschland

Markus Huck   |   24 views   |   2021-06-16

Stückle, 25.06.2021 Abonniere bitte ❤️ meinen Telegram Kanal Abonniere bitte meinen Youtube Kanal und klicke auch die Glocke, denn dann wirst Du über ein neues Video oder einen „Livestream“ direkt informie...

Invito al culto di domenica 5 settembre by il canale del Pastore

Invito al culto di domenica 5 settembre

il canale del Pastore   |   17 views   |   2021-09-02

dal 1 settembre al 4 ottobre si celebra il tempo del creato. Domenica 5 settembre è la prima delle domeniche del tempo del creato 2021

Kranzniederlegung am Feld des Jammers (Rheinwiesenlager) by Markus Huck

Kranzniederlegung am Feld des Jammers (Rheinwiesenlager)

Markus Huck   |   19 views   |   2021-09-06

Bretzenheim, Feld des Jammers, 03.09.2021 Kranzniederlegung durch Werner und Frank. Lieben Dank für euren Einsatz. bonniere bitte ❤️ meinen Telegram Kanal Abonniere bitte meinen Youtube Kanal und klic...

Про автоматизации  процессов психики и не только. by CMT BLOG

Про автоматизации процессов психики и не только.

CMT BLOG   |   0 views   |   2023-11-14

Станьте спонсором канала, и вы получите доступ к эксклюзивным материалам . .❗🤝👍 📌 - телеграмм запись на психотерапию 📌, - ссылка на платный ре...

MISIÓN 1 Conferencia COP28   CGTN -RCS by red_contacto_sur

MISIÓN 1 Conferencia COP28 CGTN -RCS

red_contacto_sur   |   1 views   |   2023-12-01

En estos tiempos difíciles, la humanidad se enfrenta a una tarea urgente y sin precedentes: resolver la crisis climática. El calentamiento ha provocado problemas como el deshielo de los glaciares, la subida del nivel del mar y el aumento de los fe...

Machines in Flames by LQDN - Revue de presse

Machines in Flames

LQDN - Revue de presse   |   38 views   |   2023-10-06

Machines in Flames (2022, 50min) finds a secret history of destruction by following the footsteps of a clandestine group of French computer workers from the 1980s. In 1980s Toulouse, an elusive group began bombing computer companies. ‘CLODO’ di...


MAZALICA   |   15 views   |   2023-03-23