
Found 17 videos

Jingle de Alckmin em 2018 faz referência ao PCC by Paulo Freire Silva

Jingle de Alckmin em 2018 faz referência ao PCC

Paulo Freire Silva   |   0 views   |   2024-02-07

Jingle de 2018 da campanha à presidência do atual vice-presidente Geraldo Alckmin faz referência ao PCC. Aos desavisados: 1533 são a representação dos números correspondentes às letras "P" e "C" no alfabeto. Lamentavelmente para o então cand...

A "beleza" da democracia by Paulo Freire Silva

A "beleza" da democracia

Paulo Freire Silva   |   1 views   |   2024-02-06

Lembre-se: Na democracia 1 homem = 1 voto

Ramagem responds to accusations by Thiago_

Ramagem responds to accusations

Thiago_   |   3 views   |   2024-01-25

PF issues 22 arrest warrants and operation investigating Federal Deputy Alexandre Ramagem. However, the Deputy responds on social media saying that there were audits carried out by the previous government. Who will be speaking the truth? Knowing t...

US Department of Justice reacts to Lula's speech by Thiago_

US Department of Justice reacts to Lula's speech

Thiago_   |   6 views   |   2024-01-20

"US Department of Justice reacts to Lula's speech by sending a copy of the agreement with Petrobras. Consulted by Metrópoles, the DOJ did not respond directly to the accusation made by the president about a possible plot to harm the state-owned...

Without evidence, Lula da Silva accuses the US of collusion by Thiago_

Without evidence, Lula da Silva accuses the US of collusion

Thiago_   |   3 views   |   2024-01-19

Without evidence, Lula da Silva accuses the US of collusion, but the Brazilian court of auditors denies him irregularities in the petrochemical complex in 2018. "Lula accuses the US Department of Justice of “collusion” to harm Petrobrás. The Pr...

Girls Talk LIDER - Témoignages by Nathalie Yamb (NON-OFFICIELLE)

Girls Talk LIDER - Témoignages

Nathalie Yamb (NON-OFFICIELLE)   |   0 views   |   2023-08-29

Ce sont près de 200 jeunes filles qui ont pris part au Girls Talk, organisé le 14 mai 2016 par LIDER au siège du parti, sous le thème "Jeune fille, ose prendre ton destin en main". Voilà ce qu'elles en disent, à l'issue de 2h30 d'échanges avec Nat...