
Found 228 videos

Star Citizen: Lorville, Hurston by Major Effort

Star Citizen: Lorville, Hurston

Major Effort   |   22 views   |   2022-10-07

I wanted to document the **current exterior state** the city of **Lorville** on Hurston (or Stanton I) is in prior to the announced updates being presented at Citizencon 2952. Also, the planet shots are just something else, so I included them to ...

Tipping point demo? by Sketches

Tipping point demo?

Sketches   |   2 views   |   2022-08-23

Orbital velocity around the asteroid depends on its radius but can be less than the character's sprinting speed. It's a lot of fun to take big suborbital hops around the asteroid. You can't thrust when you're not touching the ground and there is...

Testing out toon shader and new tracker settings by Casual Nue

Testing out toon shader and new tracker settings

Casual Nue   |   1 views   |   2022-08-20

Tried to make a toon shader in blender. Here is the video that I used to make it. Also added some new settings for the tracker.

More messing with Godot 4 by Sketches

More messing with Godot 4

Sketches   |   1 views   |   2022-08-18

Added a slightly more interesting environment. I did a procedural generation version but I couldn't get the collision mesh to match up with the displayed mesh so I just made a little park in Blender. It just plopped in and worked right away. Go...

Messing with Godot 4 by Sketches

Messing with Godot 4

Sketches   |   3 views   |   2022-08-17

The only clever thing here is that I figured out how to make particles emit smoothly along the path of travel no matter how fast the rocket is moving, instead of pooting them out in big discrete packets every time the physics updates. This was ac...

same particles as last time by Sketches

same particles as last time

Sketches   |   1 views   |   2022-07-21

Same as yesterday but with a background that allows you to see the camera movement

particle chase by Sketches

particle chase

Sketches   |   2 views   |   2022-07-20

Continuing to play with different kinds of particles. The camera moves around a lot but you cannot tell. There was supposed to be a bunch of slowly floating particles hanging in space so you could see camera motion but I guess I forgot to click ...

particle sketch by Sketches

particle sketch

Sketches   |   2 views   |   2022-07-19

I can't nearly express how deeply unsatisfying this is to me.

also nothing by Sketches

also nothing

Sketches   |   1 views   |   2022-07-17

More nothing. Messing around with magnetism and the compositor. So much gross stuff I need to fix, not sure on all the best practices for compositing.

textViaPinch by utopiah_channel


utopiah_channel   |   2 views   |   2022-07-15

Typing while focusing on movement rather than word-per-minute.

Year of 2021 in Review by Lunatics Project: Timelapse Screencasts

Year of 2021 in Review

Lunatics Project: Timelapse Screencasts   |   5 views   |   2022-05-31

A 10-minute overview of the production and development work I did for "Lunatics!" and related projects in 2021. Happy New Year!

April 2021 Activity in 9 Minutes by Lunatics Project: Timelapse Screencasts

April 2021 Activity in 9 Minutes

Lunatics Project: Timelapse Screencasts   |   12 views   |   2022-05-31

Screencast logs of April, sorted out by project: 38.6 hrs on "Lunatics!" Production: mainly the "LA-Launch" and "SF-SoyuzFlight" sequences, and then constructing a new whole-episode animatic. 25.3 hrs on Anansi Blender Extensions add-on (ABX...

Touhou player by Main nekanon channel

Touhou player

Main nekanon channel   |   0 views   |   2022-05-31

Shot Test: SF-3-A (Soyuz Ascending with Rocket Plume Effect) by Lunatics Project (Channel)

Shot Test: SF-3-A (Soyuz Ascending with Rocket Plume Effect)

Lunatics Project (Channel)   |   1 views   |   2022-05-31

Test of the rocket plume effect with the Soyuz launch vehicle, which is the first shot in the "Soyuz Flight" sequence (SF) in "Lunatics!" episode 1 (it's in "block 3" because of editing changes -- block 1 groups all the cabin interior shots). T...

Completed Rocket Plume Effect by Lunatics Project (Channel)

Completed Rocket Plume Effect

Lunatics Project (Channel)   |   5 views   |   2022-05-31

Completed rocket-plume effect, from three different angles, with the sound effect. [NOTE (2022): Getting a decent non-photorealistic, but compelling, rocket plume special animation effect to match our 3D-anime-ish style was a challenge I spent ...

Toon Rocket Plume 2020 by Lunatics Project (Channel)

Toon Rocket Plume 2020

Lunatics Project (Channel)   |   3 views   |   2022-05-31

Revised rocket plume effect, test animation (no audio). After a lot of experimentation, I settled on this very simple effect as the most appropriate. It's mostly just a moving texture with a four-color ramp. [NOTE (2022): this is NOT the final ...

Work Summary: Sky Rig for Timelapse Effects by Lunatics Project: Timelapse Screencasts

Work Summary: Sky Rig for Timelapse Effects

Lunatics Project: Timelapse Screencasts   |   14 views   |   2022-05-31

This is topical summary of my worklog screencasts for the entire process of creating the Sky Rig for the "timelapse" sequences in the "Lunatics!" pilot. This includes a lot of missteps, but doesn't include research or tutorial training time, altho...

Animated Writing Test by Lunatics Project (Channel)

Animated Writing Test

Lunatics Project (Channel)   |   1 views   |   2022-05-30

After much more experimentation, I've manage a very slight improvement in the writing animation, and also of course added a simple rigged pen to follow the motion (though this is probably not the pen I'll use in the production shot). I didn't want...

Animation Test - Signature with Dynamic Paint Reveal by Lunatics Project (Channel)

Animation Test - Signature with Dynamic Paint Reveal

Lunatics Project (Channel)   |   1 views   |   2022-05-30

Test using Blender's dynamic paint to reveal an already prepared signature graphic (no sound). The timing is fairly close to what I want, though it might need some tweaking. The biggest problem is that the brush is revealing some parts before the...

Effects Test: Lander Flame & Debris Animation by Lunatics Project (Channel)

Effects Test: Lander Flame & Debris Animation

Lunatics Project (Channel)   |   2 views   |   2022-05-30

Revisiting this part of the project, now that I understand Blender texture nodes and other data structures better. This is a simple animation meant to represent the lander's retro rocket firing and stirring up dust on the Lunar surface. This is me...