
Found 6559 videos

Future Proof Plays "The Mind's Eclipse" Part 2 - 2019/02/23 by Melissa's Game Streams

Future Proof Plays "The Mind's Eclipse" Part 2 - 2019/02/23

Melissa's Game Streams   |   0 views   |   2019-02-24

Finished! Awesome game. Still a whole lot of me reading to you, but hopefully enjoyable. CW: language (cussing/curse words), creepy/dramatic medical stuff The Mind's Eclipse: Twitch: https://twitch....

Friday Night "RimWorld" - 2019/02/08 by Melissa's Game Streams

Friday Night "RimWorld" - 2019/02/08

Melissa's Game Streams   |   5 views   |   2019-02-15

Getting back on my streaming game now that the sun is shining a little brighter. I played [RimWorld](, and had some great interactions with folks in chat. We discussed some of the weird gender politics in the game, which ...

Future Proof Plays The Mind's Eclipse - 2019/02/09 by Melissa's Game Streams

Future Proof Plays The Mind's Eclipse - 2019/02/09

Melissa's Game Streams   |   0 views   |   2019-02-11

Ahhhh! This game has been on my list for a few years now. (I met the devs at a conference, I believe.) It's a visual novel, so beware that it's essentially 2 hours of me reading to you. It's a great game so far, if very cryptic. CW: language (...

Sinnvoll tätig statt sinnlos schuften - AFTER WORK Lesung | Tobi Rosswog by Main afterwork channel

Sinnvoll tätig statt sinnlos schuften - AFTER WORK Lesung | Tobi Rosswog

Main afterwork channel   |   36 views   |   2019-02-05

Jede Woche über 40 Stunden im Büro und montags schon dem Wochenende entgegenfiebern – ein erfülltes Leben sieht anders aus. Doch trotzdem ist eine Welt ohne Lohnarbeit für viele nicht vorstellbar. Aber ist sie wirklich alternativlos? Tobi Ross...

AFTER WORK - Wie kam es zu dem Buch? by Main afterwork channel

AFTER WORK - Wie kam es zu dem Buch?

Main afterwork channel   |   24 views   |   2019-02-05

Ihr Lieben, nach langer Zeit der Inaktivität stelle ich hier mal wieder ein kurzes Video hoch. Es geht um ein Buch, was ich nun auf Einladung des oekom Verlags schreiben durfte. Mehr Infos zum Buch unter:

Kollektivhaus - ein kurzer Einblick by Main funkenhaus channel

Kollektivhaus - ein kurzer Einblick

Main funkenhaus channel   |   1330 views   |   2019-02-05

Im August bekamen wir Besuch von ZoomIn.Tv Daraus ist diese kurze Doku entstanden mit wunderschönen Bildern vom Kollektivhaus. Mehr Infos zum Kollektivhaus unter

MEEF1 - Adapter un documents pour les élèves dyslexiques by MEEF 1 Lettres (Lyon 2)

MEEF1 - Adapter un documents pour les élèves dyslexiques

MEEF 1 Lettres (Lyon 2)   |   49 views   |   2019-01-22

Principales adaptations de vos documents possibles pour les élèves dyslexiques et/ou à besoins spécifiques (à moduler selon les choix des équipes pédagogiques et les souhaits des élèves)

MEEF1 - Utiliser sommairement les styles by MEEF 1 Lettres (Lyon 2)

MEEF1 - Utiliser sommairement les styles

MEEF 1 Lettres (Lyon 2)   |   16 views   |   2019-01-22

Utiliser les styles dans Word pour accélérer le travail de mise en page et donner une cohérence globale aux documents distribués

Future Proof Plays "What Remains of Edith Finch" 2019/01/19 by Melissa's Game Streams

Future Proof Plays "What Remains of Edith Finch" 2019/01/19

Melissa's Game Streams   |   0 views   |   2019-01-22

Y'aaallllll. I managed not to cry, but oof. I went into this game cold--hadn't seen a trailer, hadn't read a synopsis. That turned out to be a mistake, and I quickly began to dread every single segment of this game. Don't get me wrong, I _really l...

MEEF1 - Mettre en page un document by MEEF 1 Lettres (Lyon 2)

MEEF1 - Mettre en page un document

MEEF 1 Lettres (Lyon 2)   |   45 views   |   2019-01-16

Quelques conseils et astuces pour la mise en page de documents pédagogiques

Future Proof Plays "Subsurface Circular" and "Scanner Sombre" - 2019/01/04 by Melissa's Game Streams

Future Proof Plays "Subsurface Circular" and "Scanner Sombre" - 2019/01/04

Melissa's Game Streams   |   1 views   |   2019-01-06

I love the aesthetic and interface of _[Subsurface Circular]( Per the dev's request, this is only sequences 1-3 of the game, as major spoilers and decisions happen after that. Ou...

Future Proof Plays Shelter 2 - One Generation - 2018/11/24 by Melissa's Game Streams

Future Proof Plays Shelter 2 - One Generation - 2018/11/24

Melissa's Game Streams   |   3 views   |   2019-01-04

Shelter 2 is _such_ a beautiful game. This is a playthrough of a single generation, and beware: there are some sad bits and many rabbits are hunted. The game is also insufferably cute, though, with excellent art and audio. NSFW: language (cussi...

Friday Night Space Run and Astroneer - 2018/12/28 by Melissa's Game Streams

Friday Night Space Run and Astroneer - 2018/12/28

Melissa's Game Streams   |   1 views   |   2019-01-04

I played two games tonight! One is [Space Run](, which I had a hard time getting the rhythm of after a few weeks off, and the second was [Astroneer](, which I haven't played sinc...

Nuremberg Castle - Post-Tour 2018/12/21 by Travel

Nuremberg Castle - Post-Tour 2018/12/21

Travel   |   2 views   |   2019-01-04

Just finished a tour of the Nuremberg Imperial Castle, and wow. I love shit like this, and Roman history is a favorite of mine. I'm less into the weaponry, but even some of that was photo-worthy.

Nuremberg Trail Walk by Travel

Nuremberg Trail Walk

Travel   |   1 views   |   2019-01-04

Day 3 of my little Nuremberg trip, I went to the National Museum, which involved a fun little walk down this stretch.

Good morning, Nürnberg!  by Travel

Good morning, Nürnberg!

Travel   |   2 views   |   2019-01-04

Just a little video I took this morning (2018/12/20). Holy shit, I'm in Germany. 😂

National Museum - Tombstones by Travel

National Museum - Tombstones

Travel   |   0 views   |   2019-01-04

Okay, so. Tombstones in a monastery in a museum. It's awesomesauce.

National Museum - The Monastery by Travel

National Museum - The Monastery

Travel   |   1 views   |   2019-01-04

A really cool aspect of the National Museum in Nuremberg is that a chunk of it is in a (former) monastery. It was well worth the cold to get to see art in that setting.