
Found 4952 videos

Basic file manipulation; cp, mv and rm by Discover Linux

Basic file manipulation; cp, mv and rm

Discover Linux   |   6 views   |   2023-12-06

A fairly basic video this time about how to do basic file manipulation in the Linux command line, using commands like copy, move and remove. More commands are shown, but these are the basis three. Commands to build upon in later videos. Have a ni...

M. MOYON - Histoire des mathématiques "en puissance" vs. "en acte" by Séminaire national du réseau des IREM

M. MOYON - Histoire des mathématiques "en puissance" vs. "en acte"

Séminaire national du réseau des IREM   |   6 views   |   2023-12-05

- Marc Moyon, Université de Limoges et IREM de Limoges - Histoire des mathématiques "en puissance" vs. "en acte" : une analyse des manuels scolaires français pour intégrer l’histoire des maths en classe - Le 11 octobre 2023 à Paris Dans mon ex...

Introducción a org-mode - parte 1 by hispa_emacs

Introducción a org-mode - parte 1

hispa_emacs   |   21 views   |   2023-12-04

Primera parte de la entrega de introducción a Emacs / Org-mode. ( por Notxor )

Coder 547: The Slow and the Infuriating by live

Coder 547: The Slow and the Infuriating

live   |   83 views   |   2023-12-04

After years of resistance, Mike finally surrenders to Xcode. And the secret Apple envy leaked to the public this week.

LUP 539: Rollback Required by live

LUP 539: Rollback Required

live   |   128 views   |   2023-12-03

This week, our embarrassment is your entertainment. Then, we check the age and health of all our disks with one app.

Facial Expressions by vine

Facial Expressions

vine   |   21 views   |   2023-12-03

a random clip to test uploading to peertube

List files and change working directory (ls & cd) by Discover Linux

List files and change working directory (ls & cd)

Discover Linux   |   8 views   |   2023-12-01

In this video I show how I use the coreutils ls and cd to navigate the Linux filesystem. But also how I use these commands in my zsh setup to make my live in the commandline easier. music Man Is He Mega - GLBML Happy - PaulYudin ...

Roland Lehoucq - Cours sur l'energie (partie 1) by Labos1point5

Roland Lehoucq - Cours sur l'energie (partie 1)

Labos1point5   |   140 views   |   2023-12-01

Partie 1 : concept et ordres de grandeur Depuis la maîtrise du feu, l’humanité a utilisé de nombreuses formes d’énergie, du vent à la fission nucléaire. L’accès à celles-ci a permis de considérablement démultiplier notre puissance d'action sur le...

ENTRE VEUS magazine [3]: cultura comunitària by LA VEÏNAL - SANT ANDREU

ENTRE VEUS magazine [3]: cultura comunitària

LA VEÏNAL - SANT ANDREU   |   33 views   |   2023-11-29

Arriba l’estrena més esperat de Sant Andreu... El tercer magazine ENTREVEUS! Aquesta edició dedicada a la cultura comunitària i va ser rodat a l’Ateneu L'Harmonia durant el festival FAACCC.

Coreutils introduction; who, where, what, when, how and ... why by Discover Linux

Coreutils introduction; who, where, what, when, how and ... why

Discover Linux   |   4 views   |   2023-11-28

Today I start a new serie of videos about the core commandline utilities. This video is a first introduction and covers the commands that answer the basic questions of who, where, what, when, how and ... why. Enjoy the video! Music: Man is ...

Coder 546: A Very Tidy Excuse by live

Coder 546: A Very Tidy Excuse

live   |   38 views   |   2023-11-27

The messy details and tidy excuses we noticed in all this OpenAI upset, and some fundamental problems that have been plaguing desktop Linux for years.

LUP 538: Surprisingly Smooth Transition by live

LUP 538: Surprisingly Smooth Transition

live   |   104 views   |   2023-11-26

PipeWire hits 1.0, and Wim Taymans joins us to reflect on the smooth success of PipeWire. Plus the details on the first NixCon North America, and more.

I am back at Alacritty by Discover Linux

I am back at Alacritty

Discover Linux   |   10 views   |   2023-11-26

So..., foot was nice, but Alacritty is better, ... at least for me, for now.



LA VEÏNAL - FEMINISMES   |   7 views   |   2023-11-23

Amb motiu del 25N, Dia de l'Eliminació de la Violència Vers les Dones, l'holó feminista ha desenvolupat aquest vídeo que compta amb els testimonis de 3 dones que narren la seva experiència.

PROMO Magazine Carmel 10 by LA VEÏNAL -  EL CARMEL

PROMO Magazine Carmel 10

LA VEÏNAL - EL CARMEL   |   1 views   |   2023-11-23

⭐La setmana vinent estrenem el 10è programa del magazine que uneix a veïnes i veïns del Carmel. En aquesta edició a més celebrem els 25 anys 🎂🎉 del Carmel Amunt, entitat impulsora del magazine junt amb Càmeres i Acció ⭐ESTRENA 10è MAGAZIN ...

CupHead gameplay with cheats active using edizon overlay by The Other Side

CupHead gameplay with cheats active using edizon overlay

The Other Side   |   2 views   |   2023-11-20

Playing Cuphead with mods if you would like to support this channel click here: cashapp: $eradicatinglove join my social medias and other platforms here: website:

Coder 545: Sam's Busy Weekend by live

Coder 545: Sam's Busy Weekend

live   |   69 views   |   2023-11-20

OpenAI's weekend coup, plus our thoughts on Microsoft's gambit and their looming risk.

Pebbles by Christ Peer-to-Peer


Christ Peer-to-Peer   |   20 views   |   2023-11-20


Side-Mission by Christ Peer-to-Peer


Christ Peer-to-Peer   |   8 views   |   2023-11-20

Side-Mission: Etown -or- The drunk and high as fuck on drugs happy goddamned funtime hour that started sometime in the late 70's and is STILL GOING ON for fuck sake Mom.

Gatekeeping Jesus by Exhortations

Gatekeeping Jesus

Exhortations   |   12 views   |   2023-11-18

Gatekeeping Jesus. Maaaaaan, you wanna get me all fired up and pissed off? Just act like you have some special dispensation to divide who gets to be a Jesus person and who doesn't. Fuck all that gatekeeping bullshit. Jesus didn't gatekeep Jesus ...

Why cant I vote Jesus? by Exhortations

Why cant I vote Jesus?

Exhortations   |   4 views   |   2023-11-18

Why cant I vote Jesus? I can vote for a Democrat, or for a Republican, but why cant I vote Evangelical? Theres an actual reason: it involves money and your pastor and the corporations they work for.