
Found 272 videos

Populars i actives by ateneus_coop_cat_tv

Populars i actives

ateneus_coop_cat_tv   |   73 views   |   2023-03-31

“Populars i actives” és una iniciativa de la Xarxa d’Ateneus Cooperatius de Catalunya. Març 2023 Maio, Roba Estesa, Balkan Paradise Orchestra i La Tresca i la Verdesca i persones vinculades als 14 ateneus cooperatius de tot Catalunya s’uneixe...

Making an Orangepresso Timelapse by explain

Making an Orangepresso Timelapse

explain   |   7 views   |   2023-10-11

This is a Timelapse of making an Orangespresso from scratch using fresh oranges, HARIO Travel Grinder and the Wacaco Picopresso. The whole process took about 10 minutes.

Icy lake with slight crash by Aerial Footage

Icy lake with slight crash

Aerial Footage   |   3 views   |   2023-03-17

Underestimated the speed of the drone and the distance to the reed. Fortunately only a small dent at one propeller.

Rêverie d'enfant by L'Audionaute

Rêverie d'enfant

L'Audionaute   |   2 views   |   2024-01-14

Elle se raconte une belle histoire. Musique : Après un rêve, Op. 7, N°1 (Arr. Cello & Piano) by Gabriel Fauré, Isata & Shehku Kanneh-Mason. Tourné le 23/01/2021. 🎙️ Mes podcasts :