
Found 4562 videos

Pourquoi ? - 7/16/2023, 4:52:47 PM by JOURNALISME_2.0

Pourquoi ? - 7/16/2023, 4:52:47 PM

JOURNALISME_2.0   |   0 views   |   2023-07-16

Emission en direct avec Stefan, Faouzi, Adama Traoré, Isa et Alex pour tenter de comprendre et d'expliquer les derniers évènements. Emission multidiffusée par TWEB.TV sur LES PLATEFORMES DU COLLECTIF MEDIAS A.C.I.D et des médias et collectifs...

Pourquoi ? - 7/16/2023, 4:36:54 PM by JOURNALISME_2.0

Pourquoi ? - 7/16/2023, 4:36:54 PM

JOURNALISME_2.0   |   0 views   |   2023-07-16

Emission en direct avec Stefan, Faouzi, Adama Traoré, Isa et Alex pour tenter de comprendre et d'expliquer les derniers évènements. Emission multidiffusée par TWEB.TV sur LES PLATEFORMES DU COLLECTIF MEDIAS A.C.I.D et des médias et collectifs...

tower 9 simulation outtakes by Blender

tower 9 simulation outtakes

Blender   |   21 views   |   2023-07-15

Sometimes things don't go as you planned. Here are some simulations I ran while trying to recreate my earlier simulation. Unfortunately some of the videos stop early. That's just the simulation settings. If you can't knock all the buildings dow...

Slobodni Podcast #12 | Dr. Katarina Lindley by chd.europe Subtitling of important content

Slobodni Podcast #12 | Dr. Katarina Lindley

chd.europe Subtitling of important content   |   29 views   |   2023-07-14

‘An American doctor of Croatian origin who is also the director of the ICS (international COVID summit) talks about the pandemic from her experience, the treatment of COVID patients, the attempt to introduce a dictatorship by globalist organizatio...

Renate Holzeisen final Bussels Internacional covis summit by chd.europe Subtitling of important content

Renate Holzeisen final Bussels Internacional covis summit

chd.europe Subtitling of important content   |   2 views   |   2023-07-11

"Pandemic Lies Retrospective", Lawyer Renate Holzeisein: "The European Court of Human Rights is in a conflict of interest. All 18 judges are financed in various ways by Soros foundations. That's what it says in the official report of the European...

SLOBODNI podcast #15 Jason Christoff- Pandemic manipulation techniques and propaganda by chd.europe Subtitling of important content

SLOBODNI podcast #15 Jason Christoff- Pandemic manipulation techniques and propaganda

chd.europe Subtitling of important content   |   0 views   |   2023-07-11

🙏Treat us with a coffee☕ Jason Christoff is a Canadian expert in communication and psychological operations. He precisely dissects the techniques used in the pandemic to force the people to obey. The trut...

[LHC] Pasucat - Lo Hablamos en la Calle - T01 E04 by el_grillo_libertario

[LHC] Pasucat - Lo Hablamos en la Calle - T01 E04

el_grillo_libertario   |   10 views   |   2023-07-10

En esta ocasión entrevistamos a Pasucat, que nos explicarán las reivindicaciones que están llevando adelante en defensa de la sanidad universal en el Estado español.

E42 - Die Weekly Hacker News am 10.07.2023 by LastBreach

E42 - Die Weekly Hacker News am 10.07.2023

LastBreach   |   0 views   |   2023-07-10

Schwerwiegende Sicherheitslücke in Cisco Nexus Switches, kritische Sicherheitslücken in Mastodon und neue MOVEit Transfer Lücke, Cyberangriff auf Hafen in Japan und Flughafen in Frankreich, aktuelle Phishing in München wegen Schmuckdiebstahl mit v...

SLOBODNI podcast #13 Z1 Elsa Widding-There is no climate emergency by chd.europe Subtitling of important content

SLOBODNI podcast #13 Z1 Elsa Widding-There is no climate emergency

chd.europe Subtitling of important content   |   7 views   |   2023-07-08

🙏Treat us with a coffee☕ The Swedish parliamentarian, as an expert on energy policy and climate change, exposes the failures of the current policy that impoverish us unnecessarily. The best description i...

Operation Scrumcell : proving government incompetence by liberated_systems

Operation Scrumcell : proving government incompetence

liberated_systems   |   30 views   |   2023-07-07

[Here's the link]( to the post LOL. In case they ever change it, follow the below link for the archive:

Future Proof Plays: Mask of the Rose - 2023/07/01 by Melissa's Game Streams & Clips

Future Proof Plays: Mask of the Rose - 2023/07/01

Melissa's Game Streams & Clips   |   12 views   |   2023-07-05

I'm a huuuuuge fan of Failbetter's games and have played _Fallen London_ on and off for over a decade, so I've been excited as hell about _Mask of the Rose_ since it was first announced. It's as good as I hoped (I've played a bunch since this stre...

E41 - Die Weekly Hacker News am 03.07.2023 by LastBreach

E41 - Die Weekly Hacker News am 03.07.2023

LastBreach   |   0 views   |   2023-07-03

Heute in den Weekly Hacker News - neue Sicherheitslücken in Fortinet's FortiNAC, Cyberangriffe auf SPD-Spitze, Stadtverwaltung Kaufbeuren und Cash Gruppe Medienhaus, Barmer verliert Kundendaten, Millionen Schweizer Behördendaten gestohlen, aktuell...