
Found 4575 videos

Paheko_Membres by partage_ton_outil


partage_ton_outil   |   25 views   |   2023-12-01

La Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture d'Uzès partage avec vous l'usage qu'elle fait du logiciel libre Paheko pour la gestion de ses membres, en lien avec la partie comptabilité de l'outil.

O proceduralnym generowaniu utopii opowiada Petros. by COMFY Tech Artel

O proceduralnym generowaniu utopii opowiada Petros.

COMFY Tech Artel   |   0 views   |   2023-11-30

27 lutego, w redakcji Czasu Kultury w Poznaniu, grupa "Planetarianie i Planetarianki" zorganizowała Utopijne Wymyślanki. Oto jedna z nich.

Impulsem PlataformESS | Promo 2023 by bit_lab_cooperativa

Impulsem PlataformESS | Promo 2023

bit_lab_cooperativa   |   25 views   |   2023-11-30

PlataformESS és una infraestructura de codi obert creada des de l’horitzontalitat i la sobirania tecnològica amb els valors de l’economia social i solidària. Un espai tecnoètic per resoldre les necessitats de digitalització dels nostres projecte...

KSPR - S01E01 - Was there like, other trash in that space dumpster? by New Ellijay TV

KSPR - S01E01 - Was there like, other trash in that space dumpster?

New Ellijay TV   |   21 views   |   2023-11-29

研究 戦隊 ポッドキャスト レンジャー (KENKYUU SENTAI PODCAST RANGERS) - EPISODE ONE: Was there like, other trash in that space dumpster? Alien trash? Welcome to Kenkyuu Sentai Podcast Rangers, your favorite deep-dive, cross-cultural recap and analysis show cov...

Find the Way: from Python to OpenStreetMap by Python Torino

Find the Way: from Python to OpenStreetMap

Python Torino   |   13 views   |   2023-11-29

Il primo workshop rivolto a tutti i Pythonisti appassionati di dati geografici, nato grazie alla collaborazione con [Wikimedia Italia]( 

Presentazione delle attività della community [Python Torino](https://torino...

The Master Mystery - S01E01 by Archives

The Master Mystery - S01E01

Archives   |   26 views   |   2023-11-28

Harry Houdini stars in this 1918 science fiction adventure serial about a criminal organization and a rampaging cyborg. It was filmed several years before the word Robot was first uttered, and more than 100 years ago. This is episode one, ther...

LMM - Interview du Pr Didier Raoult - 11/28/2023, 7:24:53 PM by JOURNALISME_2.0

LMM - Interview du Pr Didier Raoult - 11/28/2023, 7:24:53 PM

JOURNALISME_2.0   |   0 views   |   2023-11-28

Interview sans filtres du Prof. Raoult, par Alexis Poulin pour Le Monde Moderne #alexispoulin #didierraoult #actualites #sante @raoult_didier @Pr_Raoult ➡️ Soutenez le Monde Moderne : Retrouvez nous...

Weight Management by Health Messenger Channel

Weight Management

Health Messenger Channel   |   29 views   |   2023-11-25

Expedition Sasquatch (podcast edition) - s02e01 - #13 - Cactus Man Part One by New Ellijay TV

Expedition Sasquatch (podcast edition) - s02e01 - #13 - Cactus Man Part One

New Ellijay TV   |   10 views   |   2023-11-24

A video accompaniment to our podcast [Expedition Sasquatch]( (Not our TV show [Expedition Sasquatch]( which is a related but indep...

LMM - Interview du Pr Didier Raoult - 11/23/2023, 8:58:22 PM by JOURNALISME_2.0

LMM - Interview du Pr Didier Raoult - 11/23/2023, 8:58:22 PM

JOURNALISME_2.0   |   1 views   |   2023-11-23

Interview sans filtres du Prof. Raoult, par Alexis Poulin pour Le Monde Moderne #alexispoulin #didierraoult #actualites #sante @raoult_didier @Pr_Raoult ➡️ Soutenez le Monde Moderne : Retrouvez nous...

Crea il tuo media center open source by

Crea il tuo media center open source   |   2 views   |   2023-11-22

23 gen 2017 Presentazione tenuta da Bergamo Linux Users Groups ( ) durante la manifestazione #diciotto organizzata da Comune di Bergamo. Nel video si mostra come poter utilizzare il programma Kodi per creare un media center open sou...

Distribuzioni Linux by

Distribuzioni Linux   |   2 views   |   2023-11-22

23 gen 2017 Spezzone di video utilizzato per la presentazione #diciotto

NethServer, la distribuzione Linux server semplice da utilizzare by

NethServer, la distribuzione Linux server semplice da utilizzare   |   1 views   |   2023-11-21

5 lug 2016 Nethserver, innovatita distribuzione Linux per server aziendali spiegata dai creatori. Tutta l’efficienza e la stabilità di Linux server gestita con una semplice ma efficace interfaccia web per offrire tutti i principali servizi nece...