
Found 6103 videos

Startup Digital Marketing by mediamagic

Startup Digital Marketing

mediamagic   |   1 views   |   2022-02-22

MediaMagic is a digital transformation and marketing company, scaling client revenues and brands. We develop successful marketing, advertising, and sales strategy, including brand and strategic assessment with preliminary brand logo design. Visit ...

YUBIKEY - 1 Securely generating PGP keys by 402 Payment Required

YUBIKEY - 1 Securely generating PGP keys

402 Payment Required   |   27 views   |   2022-02-25 Generate PGP keys: gpg --expert --full-generate-key Issue sub-keys: gpg --expert --edit-key <key_ID> > addkey Export master private key: gpg --armor --export-secret-keys <key_ID>...

Address Validation Services by Service Objects

Address Validation Services

Service Objects   |   0 views   |   2022-02-25

Service Objects is the leading provider of real-time contact verification and lead-scoring solutions. With millions of contacts verified per day, Service Objects’ mission is to help companies improve communications, increase sales, and mitigate ri...

YUBIKEY - 2 Setup in Linux by 402 Payment Required

YUBIKEY - 2 Setup in Linux

402 Payment Required   |   10 views   |   2022-02-28

sudo apt install scdaemon yubikey-manager libpam-yubico libpam-u2f libu2f-udev ykman openpgp set-touch KEY on gpg --card-status gpg --edit-card gpg --edit-key <key_ID> ----- BTC donation address - bc1qny4am3clu0gcsq3hvja4vcdhwd529hgmnl...

YUBIKEY - 3 The Standard Unix Password Manager by 402 Payment Required

YUBIKEY - 3 The Standard Unix Password Manager

402 Payment Required   |   11 views   |   2022-03-03

gpg --clear-sign gpg --verify gpg -r <key_id> --encrypt gpg --decrypt sudo apt install pass sudo systemctl restart pcscd ----- BTC donation address - bc1qny4am3clu0gcsq3hvja4vcdhwd529hgmnlavfh

Sadly, the virus itself  is a type of vaccine by offstrim

Sadly, the virus itself is a type of vaccine

offstrim   |   1 views   |   2022-03-08

“Sadly, the virus itself - particularly the variant Omicron - is a type of vaccine. That is, it creates both B cell and T cell immunity. And it’s done a better job of getting out to the world population than we have with vaccines.” - Bill Gates Sa...

YUBIKEY - 4 SSH by 402 Payment Required


402 Payment Required   |   14 views   |   2022-03-06

# SSH commands: ssh user@hostname ssh-copy-id user@hostname # Copy these lines at the end of your .bashrc file: export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket) gpgconf --launch gpg-agent export GPG_TTY=$(tty) # Logs for...

YUBIKEY - 5 SSH over Tor by 402 Payment Required

YUBIKEY - 5 SSH over Tor

402 Payment Required   |   6 views   |   2022-03-11

INSTALL TOR SERVER - ONION v3 HIDDEN SERVICE for SSH # Add to tor configuration file at /etc/tor/torrc HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/ssh/ HiddenServicePort 22 $ systemctl rest...

Information Warfare Defining and Analysing - CyCon 2019 by The Conspiracy Distillery

Information Warfare Defining and Analysing - CyCon 2019

The Conspiracy Distillery   |   3 views   |   2022-03-12

The 11th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon 2019) organized by NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE) in Tallinn revolved around the theme of Silent Battle. The defence community is nearing a stage where it ...

YUBIKEY - 6 SSH over Tor with Client Authorization in Tails by 402 Payment Required

YUBIKEY - 6 SSH over Tor with Client Authorization in Tails

402 Payment Required   |   5 views   |   2022-03-13

##### 1 PRIVATE-PUBLIC KEYS - openssl, basez # Generate x25519 key $ openssl genpkey -algorithm x25519 -out /tmp/ssh.prv.pem # Format keys into base32 $ cat /tmp/ssh.prv.pem | grep -v " PRIVATE KEY" | base64pem -d | tail --bytes=32 | base...

Introduzione by Museo Virtuale della Cappadocia


Museo Virtuale della Cappadocia   |   0 views   |   2022-02-03

#SATSx Hackathon by Pleb Lab - Day 2 : Winners Announced! by PBS

#SATSx Hackathon by Pleb Lab - Day 2 : Winners Announced!

PBS   |   18 views   |   2022-03-14

The #SATSx Hackathon by Pleb Lab took place during March 12th-13th at the Bitcoin Commons in Austin, Texas. It was sponsored by Fulger Ventures, The Bitcoin Company and Voltage. The educational partner was Base58. The media partners were Thriller ...

#SATSx Hackathon by Pleb Lab - Day 1 by PBS

#SATSx Hackathon by Pleb Lab - Day 1

PBS   |   8 views   |   2022-03-14

The #SATSx Hackathon by Pleb Lab took place during March 12th-13th at the Bitcoin Commons in Austin, Texas. It was sponsored by Fulger Ventures, The Bitcoin Company and Voltage. The educational partner was Base58. The media partners were Thriller ...

The Molas and the Middlemen with Juan (Panama) by One Love Bitcoin

The Molas and the Middlemen with Juan (Panama)

One Love Bitcoin   |   1 views   |   2022-03-18

For this episode we take you to the beautiful country of Panama. Juan is a Bitcoiner living in Panama, who is in love with his country and has a deep passion for helping to spread Bitcoin awareness, especially in the more native regions of the nat...