
Found 99 videos

Sunless Skies - #loveindies by Melissa's Game Streams

Sunless Skies - #loveindies

Melissa's Game Streams   |   0 views   |   2019-01-01

It's #loveindies week, and I wanted to try [Sunless Skies]( by Failbetter Games. It's as delightful as Sunless Sea, and even prettier. I'll definitely be streaming more of this. NSFW: lan...

Cultist Simulator - Is this the run? - 2018/08/10 by Melissa's Game Streams

Cultist Simulator - Is this the run? - 2018/08/10

Melissa's Game Streams   |   0 views   |   2019-01-01

This is a solid Cultist Simulator run! I don't win, but that's okay. Dread takes Becky down before they can advance terribly far, although that's largely because are some systems in the game I still don't understand well. NSFW: language (cussin...

Full Metal Furies - 2018/07/14 by Melissa's Game Streams

Full Metal Furies - 2018/07/14

Melissa's Game Streams   |   0 views   |   2019-01-01

From a July 14, 2018 stream. Gregory and I played some [Full Metal Furies]( using the pair of characters we don't normally play. FMF is just such a charming and delightful game. NSFW: lan...