
Found 160 videos

Renée sneezing by Stiletto's Channel

Renée sneezing

Stiletto's Channel   |   3 views   |   2019-05-17

Renée appears to be sneezing and I've put her in quarantine. Video shared to identify symptoms and possible cause. [C0007]

Proofing "Relax" in the kitchen by Stiletto's Channel

Proofing "Relax" in the kitchen

Stiletto's Channel   |   3 views   |   2018-03-30

Beauceron learning a new cue: Relax. He was taught in the living room and because dogs don't generalise well, he must now practice doing it in different rooms and places; this is called "proofing". For "Relax", he is required to lie down on...

Travelator Training - Indra by Stiletto's Channel

Travelator Training - Indra

Stiletto's Channel   |   8 views   |   2018-03-30

Young Beauceron dog getting used to a travelator (moving walkway). This is first step, next will be getting him accustomed to an inclined walkway and finally an escalator. Further explanation and background in the video intro. [Taken in 2...

Cat enjoys paper towel by Misc

Cat enjoys paper towel

Misc   |   7 views   |   2018-07-26

When my parents travel, I visit their cat.

Grenouilles by Main clg.paul_eluard channel


Main clg.paul_eluard channel   |   14 views   |   2020-05-06

Les grenouilles du parc Zénith ne semblent pas en confinement. En plein Lyon 3, à coté de la bibliothèque du 3e Lacassagne Marguerite Yourcenar.

6e : Le cycle de vie de la libellule by Vidéos pour les S.V.T.

6e : Le cycle de vie de la libellule

Vidéos pour les S.V.T.   |   48 views   |   2020-05-04

Les différentes étapes du cycle de vie de la libellule (oeuf, larve, adulte)

Greg and Jackie Meet a Larger Puzzle Box by Greg & Jackie

Greg and Jackie Meet a Larger Puzzle Box

Greg & Jackie   |   9 views   |   2019-03-15

Many moons ago, my cats [met some test tubes]( and a smaller puzzle box. The smaller puzzle box is trivial for them now, so I decided to upgrade them to something more complex...

Batteuse hippotractée by Default jpdelf channel

Batteuse hippotractée

Default jpdelf channel   |   21 views   |   2018-08-26

A la fête du village d'Arlesbosc (07) : Fête de la reboule

Cat Basket by Tangent is a Fox

Cat Basket

Tangent is a Fox   |   0 views   |   2020-10-06

This is where I store the backup cat. Controversial thumbnail much? xD I'm really curious to see if anyone will clearly not pay attention and claim I'm abusing my cat.

orvet sans tête by Main trent channel

orvet sans tête

Main trent channel   |   1 views   |   2021-06-13

Rådyr i hagen, feb, 2024 by ymse

Rådyr i hagen, feb, 2024

ymse   |   8 views   |   2024-02-17

En liten flokk med rådyr krysser foran meg i hagen bak huset. A small group of roe deer pass before me across the garden behind the house.

20220503 Hazelworm by Natuur

20220503 Hazelworm

Natuur   |   2 views   |   2022-05-03

De hazelworm (Anguis fragilis) is een pootloze hagedis uit de familie hazelwormen (Anguidae). De hazelworm heeft een grote verspreiding binnen Europa en is daar een van de meest voorkomende reptielen. Ook in België en Nederland komt deze hagedi...