
Found 910 videos

New Add-on: Post Signatures by Updates

New Add-on: Post Signatures Updates   |   71 views   |   2020-06-23

Now you can easily add a consistent signature to all of your blog posts on (and soon, WriteFreely). [Get the add-on here](

#342: Dissecting the contagion with Parker Lewis by TFTC

#342: Dissecting the contagion with Parker Lewis

TFTC   |   69 views   |   2022-06-29

Join Marty as he sits down with Parker Lewis to discuss the contagion ripping through bitcoin markets and the incumbent financial system. Follow Parker Lewis on Twitter Read more from Parker Lewis https:/...

oyas #1 by Main ingenieursdudimanche channel

oyas #1

Main ingenieursdudimanche channel   |   68 views   |   2020-05-05

20ième vidéo des ingénieurs du dimanche posté 05/2020 sur un système d'irrigation diy nous sommes un collectif de bidouilleurs , inspirés des mouvement #hackers #makers, comme notre nom l’indique nous pensons qu’il faut démystifier les #ingé...

Introduction to Penpot core development by Penpot Tutorials

Introduction to Penpot core development

Penpot Tutorials   |   68 views   |   2023-09-19

Alex Alonso, CIO and developer at Penpot, put us a hands-on demo of how to use Penpot's repository and make changes in both front and back end. He used part of the code based on Access Tokens to gave an example on how to dive into Penpot's code! ...

[Tuto] Installer Scratch 2 sur (x)Ubuntu 16.04 LTS / Mint 18 by tuto

[Tuto] Installer Scratch 2 sur (x)Ubuntu 16.04 LTS / Mint 18

tuto   |   66 views   |   2018-06-21

Petit tutoriel en capture vidéo (sans commentaire) pour installer le logiciel "Scratch 2" sur une base Ubuntu 16.04 (Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu Mate 16.04, Linux Mint 19, Elementary OS 0.4...) Attention : n'est pas compatible avec la 18.04 ! so...

Simultaneous open - TCP without a server by Dodgy Coding

Simultaneous open - TCP without a server

Dodgy Coding   |   64 views   |   2020-04-13

A fun quirk of TCP/IP is that you can create a connection without a listening socket. In this video we briefly review how that works, then write a Rust program to trigger the unusual behaviour on real Linux hosts. Code: [

TCP connect to 0:8080 by Dodgy Coding

TCP connect to 0:8080

Dodgy Coding   |   61 views   |   2022-07-17

An investigation into exactly what's going on if you "curl 0:8080" and it works for some reason.

MLS Element demo - group updates 2023-04-21 by Main uhoreg channel

MLS Element demo - group updates 2023-04-21

Main uhoreg channel   |   61 views   |   2023-05-02

A demo of the proof-of-concept implementation of Decentralised MLS in Element Web. The demo shows federated users being invited to an MLS-encrypted group and sending/receiving encrypted messages.

From VIM to Etherpad: Real Time Collaborative Editing by arthurpizza

From VIM to Etherpad: Real Time Collaborative Editing

arthurpizza   |   61 views   |   2024-02-04

Etherpad, an open-source gem revolutionizing the way we edit documents online. Any text can be pseudo-anonymously shared and collaborated with over the web. 🔗 🔗 🔗 ...

New Spindle: Switching Cabinet build by Schallbert's Tech Shack

New Spindle: Switching Cabinet build

Schallbert's Tech Shack   |   59 views   |   2023-09-27

This is how I built the spindle's switching cabinet. It contains components like variable frequency drive, mains filter, brake resistor, fan power supply, delayed fan start relay etc. At time of upload, the spindle runs smoothly for half a year...

Contact tracing in the background on iOS by Dodgy Coding

Contact tracing in the background on iOS

Dodgy Coding   |   59 views   |   2020-04-28

A short demonstration of the Australian COVIDSafe app and how its Bluetooth connectivity is affected by putting the app in the background.

Guida Galattica per Pythonisti by Python Torino

Guida Galattica per Pythonisti

Python Torino   |   58 views   |   2023-09-28

Il primo incontro rivolto a tutti i Pythonisti appassionati di Astronomia, nato grazie alla collaborazione con l'[Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino]( ___ Presentazione delle attività della community [Python Torino](ht...

vélo couché #2 version vtt  by Main ingenieursdudimanche channel

vélo couché #2 version vtt

Main ingenieursdudimanche channel   |   58 views   |   2020-04-28

18ième vidéo des ingénieurs du dimanche posté 04/2020 sur la version 2 du #vélo #couché (#vtt) nous sommes un collectif de bidouilleurs , inspirés des mouvement #hackers #makers, comme notre nom l’indique nous pensons qu’il faut démystifier le...

isol sous rampants ouate isolair + plâtre et chanvre by Main electraorganic channel

isol sous rampants ouate isolair + plâtre et chanvre

Main electraorganic channel   |   58 views   |   2019-04-06

isolation sous rampants en ouate de cellulose avec un isolair de 20 mm et un plâtre et chanvre en finition dosage : 1/2 sac lutèce 2000 L soit 16.5 kg, 10 l de ouate de cellulose décompactée, 10 l de chenevotte fine ( chanvre) et 16 l d'eau ...

Podcasters, unlock your true creative potential with Web Monetization by Castopod's channel

Podcasters, unlock your true creative potential with Web Monetization

Castopod's channel   |   57 views   |   2022-11-17

This presentation of Web Monetization for podcasting was given in New Orleans, Louisiana, for the 2022 Interledger Summit. Podcasting is booming all over the world, but only a minority of podcasts are monetized...

#353: One nation under blackmail with Whitney Webb by TFTC

#353: One nation under blackmail with Whitney Webb

TFTC   |   55 views   |   2022-08-19

Join Marty as he sits down with Whitney Webb to discuss her new book, One Nation Under Blackmail. They also discuss just how deep the Jeffery Epstein rabbit hole goes, Bush and Clinton crime family and who was Mark Middleton? Follow Whitney on ...

piscine naturelle #2 filtre vertical by Main ingenieursdudimanche channel

piscine naturelle #2 filtre vertical

Main ingenieursdudimanche channel   |   55 views   |   2019-08-08

12ième vidéo des ingénieurs du dimanche posté 07/2019 sur un projet de piscine naturelle avec système de filtré vertical planté en piscine naturelle #1 : nous somme...

vide sanitaire perspirant by Main electraorganic channel

vide sanitaire perspirant

Main electraorganic channel   |   54 views   |   2019-10-12

une nouvelle vidéo sur un vide sanitaire perspirant , quand c'est vraiment trop humide pour une dalle chaux /chanvre ou chaux /liège et même chaux /pouzzolane merci à louis qui nous a soufflé l'idée

mélangeuse chaux chanvre by Main electraorganic channel

mélangeuse chaux chanvre

Main electraorganic channel   |   54 views   |   2019-09-28

voici notre dernière vidéo sur notre mélangeuse chaux chanvre et pour aller plus loin dans l'alternatif et le lowtech les plan sous FREECAD sont disponibles sur http://...

Choisir son matériel by Ecolo'DANE

Choisir son matériel

Ecolo'DANE   |   53 views   |   2019-03-28

Comment choisir de manière éco-responsable son matériel? après avoir fait un bref bilan de la consommation de différents types de matériels informatiques se pose deux questions: - comment optimiser son choix de matériel par rapport à sa consomma...

mur chauffant avec treillis  by Main electraorganic channel

mur chauffant avec treillis

Main electraorganic channel   |   52 views   |   2020-07-16

nouveau murs chauffants avec teillis pour simplifier la pose