
Found 2495 videos

François Thill: 20 years of Cybersecurity! by Lëtz talk about Cyber

François Thill: 20 years of Cybersecurity!

Lëtz talk about Cyber   |   0 views   |   2020-11-13

Cybersecurity celebrate its 20th Birthday in Luxembourg. François Thill reminds us the first steps and the numberous initiatives that have led to the developpment of a whole Ecosystem.

Be aware... you're on air! by Secure IoT

Be aware... you're on air!

Secure IoT   |   0 views   |   2020-11-13

Protect yourself. Secure your connected devices.

Understand the concept of layers by GIMP

Understand the concept of layers

GIMP   |   0 views   |   2020-03-28

In this video I am explaining how you can create layers in GIMP and how do they work.

About transparency by GIMP

About transparency

GIMP   |   0 views   |   2020-03-28

In this video I am showing the concept of transparency through GIMP.

How to contribute to Metabase? by Main ronan channel

How to contribute to Metabase?

Main ronan channel   |   0 views   |   2020-03-10

In this video, I am simply explaining how you can contribute to Metabase.

How to install the App Inventor 2 emulator on a MAC? by Main ronan channel

How to install the App Inventor 2 emulator on a MAC?

Main ronan channel   |   0 views   |   2020-02-20

This video shows how you can install the Android Emulator from App Inventor 2 on a MAC if you have a MAC and an iphone and of course cannot take advantage of the App Inventor 2 platform.

How to reset your password in WordPress? by Main ronan channel

How to reset your password in WordPress?

Main ronan channel   |   0 views   |   2020-02-04

The SQL request is the following one: UPDATE `wp_users` SET `user_pass`= MD5('yourpassword') WHERE `user_login`='yourusername';

What is https? by Main ronan channel

What is https?

Main ronan channel   |   0 views   |   2020-01-26

In this video, I am explaining briefly what https consists of.

An introduction to Countly by Main ronan channel

An introduction to Countly

Main ronan channel   |   0 views   |   2020-01-23

This video is an introduction to Countly, an analytics solution to measure interactions within apps, websites and IOT projects.

An introduction to app inventor 2 by Main ronan channel

An introduction to app inventor 2

Main ronan channel   |   0 views   |   2020-01-23

Released under the MIT license, App Inventor 2 is a platform to build mobile applications without knowing how to code.

Writing a spec document for a mobile app by Main ronan channel

Writing a spec document for a mobile app

Main ronan channel   |   0 views   |   2020-01-23

In this video I am explaining why writing a spec document is important for your mobile project.