
Found 273 videos

Populars i actives by ateneus_coop_cat_tv

Populars i actives

ateneus_coop_cat_tv   |   73 views   |   2023-03-31

“Populars i actives” és una iniciativa de la Xarxa d’Ateneus Cooperatius de Catalunya. Març 2023 Maio, Roba Estesa, Balkan Paradise Orchestra i La Tresca i la Verdesca i persones vinculades als 14 ateneus cooperatius de tot Catalunya s’uneixe...

Making an Orangepresso Timelapse by explain

Making an Orangepresso Timelapse

explain   |   7 views   |   2023-10-11

This is a Timelapse of making an Orangespresso from scratch using fresh oranges, HARIO Travel Grinder and the Wacaco Picopresso. The whole process took about 10 minutes.

Logging by explain


explain   |   12 views   |   2023-04-03

Icy lake with slight crash by Aerial Footage

Icy lake with slight crash

Aerial Footage   |   3 views   |   2023-03-17

Underestimated the speed of the drone and the distance to the reed. Fortunately only a small dent at one propeller.

Rêverie d'enfant by L'Audionaute

Rêverie d'enfant

L'Audionaute   |   2 views   |   2024-01-14

Elle se raconte une belle histoire. Musique : Après un rêve, Op. 7, N°1 (Arr. Cello & Piano) by Gabriel Fauré, Isata & Shehku Kanneh-Mason. Tourné le 23/01/2021. 🎙️ Mes podcasts :