
Found 906 videos

06 - Privacy and phpList explained - GDPR framework by phpList

06 - Privacy and phpList explained - GDPR framework

phpList   |   12 views   |   2019-07-30

We are not lawyers, please double check everything we are saying in this video and do not take it for granted. In this video we are explaining what are the different rights under the GDPR privacy framework and how you can respect those rights with...

13 - An introduction to phpList plugins by phpList

13 - An introduction to phpList plugins

phpList   |   6 views   |   2019-07-27

In this video we are explaining how you can easily install plugins in phpList. We are showing as well 3 different plugins: how to change the text editor, how you can validate a subscriber manually and how you can send an emailing to some subscribe...

Conversion tracking code explained in Revive by Revive

Conversion tracking code explained in Revive

Revive   |   10 views   |   2019-07-23

In this video we are explaining how to deploy the conversion tracking code of Revive. We are using Matomo Tag Manager for the implementation.

Cookie advertising explain with Revive and Matomo Tag Manager by Revive

Cookie advertising explain with Revive and Matomo Tag Manager

Revive   |   10 views   |   2019-07-21

In this video, we are explaining how to fire different ads according to center of interest. In order to make this work easier we are using Matomo Tag Manager for the scripts. In order to display the ads we are using Revive.

How to create a static page in Moodle? by Main ronan channel

How to create a static page in Moodle?

Main ronan channel   |   4 views   |   2019-07-20

In this video, we are explaining how to easily create a static page on the front page of Moodle.

How to animate a simple object with Synfig? by Main ronan channel

How to animate a simple object with Synfig?

Main ronan channel   |   8 views   |   2019-07-18

In this video we are showing how to animate a simple object in Synfig. The example is the one of a skateboard with two wheels moving from left to right.

Start to make your website dynamic with JavaScript by Webmastering

Start to make your website dynamic with JavaScript

Webmastering   |   9 views   |   2019-07-16

In this video we are showing how to make a web page dynamic with JavaScript. This example shows how to make a cryptocurrency converter. Thank you Lukas Winkler for all your help.

First steps with CSS by Webmastering

First steps with CSS

Webmastering   |   5 views   |   2019-07-16

In this video, we are explaining what CSS consists of.

First steps with HTML by Webmastering

First steps with HTML

Webmastering   |   12 views   |   2019-07-16

In this video we are showing how you can easily create your first HTML web page with an Open Source text editor.

How to create dynamic certificates in Moodle? by Main ronan channel

How to create dynamic certificates in Moodle?

Main ronan channel   |   10 views   |   2019-07-14

In this video, we are explaining and showing how you can create dynamic and automatic custom certificates for all your students in Moodle thanks to the custom certificate plugin.

How to design a certificate in Inkscape? by Inkscape

How to design a certificate in Inkscape?

Inkscape   |   7 views   |   2019-07-14

In this video, we are explaining how to design a certificate in Inkscape or at least what are the main elements composing it. A useful video for people who never heard about Inkscape and who are coming from GIMP.

How to create your own theme in Matomo Analytics? by Matomo

How to create your own theme in Matomo Analytics?

Matomo   |   16 views   |   2019-07-11

In this video, we are explaining how to create a theme / template for the brand image of your company / organization in Matomo. We are tackling several things in this video: the title of the website, the icon, the favicon, the colours and the fonts.

Understand a search engine ranking algorithm with YaCy search engine by YaCy

Understand a search engine ranking algorithm with YaCy search engine

YaCy   |   23 views   |   2019-07-11

If you are wondering how a search engine decide to rank your results, this video is for you. In this video we are explaining how search engines are ranking the results of a website thanks to some criterias. We are taking here the example of YaCy, ...

03 - A brief introduction to phpList by phpList

03 - A brief introduction to phpList

phpList   |   4 views   |   2019-07-10

This video explains briefly what is pĥpList and what are its advantages over emailing and newsletter proprietary technologies.

A brief introduction to Revive Ad Server by Revive

A brief introduction to Revive Ad Server

Revive   |   9 views   |   2019-07-10

A brief introduction to Revive showing quickly the reasons why this ad server solution may be valuable compared to proprietary solutions.