
Found 906 videos

How to install WordPress on a local server? by Main ronan channel

How to install WordPress on a local server?

Main ronan channel   |   0 views   |   2020-01-15

In this video we are explaining how to deploy WordPress on a local server in order to have your own website.

Understanding bar codes by Main ronan channel

Understanding bar codes

Main ronan channel   |   1 views   |   2020-01-15

This simple video is just about understanding what are bar codes. Hope yo will enjoy it.

An introduction to Makey Makey by Arduino

An introduction to Makey Makey

Arduino   |   5 views   |   2020-01-14

In this video I am showing what the Makey Makey is about and how fun you can have with it.

Trying to explain email spoofing by Main ronan channel

Trying to explain email spoofing

Main ronan channel   |   1 views   |   2020-01-11

In this video, I am explaining what is email spoofing. This video is for educational purpose only. Please do not replicate this technique.

What is inside a laptop? by Main ronan channel

What is inside a laptop?

Main ronan channel   |   7 views   |   2020-01-11

Are you curious about what is inside a laptop? In this video I am showing how you can open a laptop, check the connections and how to think about replacing some parts of it.

An introduction to eye tracking with webgazer by Main ronan channel

An introduction to eye tracking with webgazer

Main ronan channel   |   64 views   |   2020-01-05

In this video, I am giving a short introduction to eye tracking through the use of web gazer an open source tool using your own webcam.

What are cookies in Analytics? by Matomo

What are cookies in Analytics?

Matomo   |   0 views   |   2019-12-24

In this video we are explaining what are cookies and how it applies to Matomo.

Understand the data layer in analytics by Matomo

Understand the data layer in analytics

Matomo   |   9 views   |   2019-12-10

In this video, we are explaining the concept of data layer when it is about analytics and tag management system.