
Found 1503 videos

Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator (Sunday @ Califur 2015) by Tangent is a Fox

Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator (Sunday @ Califur 2015)

Tangent is a Fox   |   0 views   |   2020-10-06

So all weekend I was at a furry convention working and occasionally partying. Then Sunday morning I got to play Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator. Game: Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator: Tell me what things y...

KSP - Building an F-4 Phantom... by Tangent Games

KSP - Building an F-4 Phantom...

Tangent Games   |   0 views   |   2020-10-06

Taking a look at a work in progress miniature version of an F-4 Phantom. (Note: If you missed my announcement video this: ) No downloads, since it really isn't ready or worth it just yet....

KSP - SAM Development by Tangent Games

KSP - SAM Development

Tangent Games   |   0 views   |   2020-10-06

So last night I decided I wanted to show you a few combat scenarios with my GI-3 fighters..but first, we need some stuff to fight, like surface-to-air missile launchers. SAM Download: Game: Ker...

KSP - The Stubbs 102 Fighter by Tangent Games

KSP - The Stubbs 102 Fighter

Tangent Games   |   0 views   |   2020-10-06

So yesterday I made a new fighter. Compact, maneuverable, fast, with an upgradeable cargo bay and STOL capability, the Stubbs 102: Game: Kerbal Space Program: Tell me wh...

Minicraft Part 1 - It's Like Minecraft, But... by Tangent Games

Minicraft Part 1 - It's Like Minecraft, But...

Tangent Games   |   0 views   |   2020-10-06

This is a game made in 48 hours by Notch, maker of Minecraft. You can see where the inspiration comes from, Minecraft, Dwarf Fortress, Terraria... Don't know why you're watching this, it's really old and crappy, you should check out my latest s...

KSP 0.21 News by Tangent Games

KSP 0.21 News

Tangent Games   |   0 views   |   2020-10-06

KSP 0.21 is in the Experimental phase, which means it is close to release. Here's a brief overview of new features. Note there are a few details not mentioned in the video, both for things I simply do not know, and to keep it brief. Check the sour...

A Quick Look at KSP 1.3's Pre-release (read description plz) by Tangent Games

A Quick Look at KSP 1.3's Pre-release (read description plz)

Tangent Games   |   0 views   |   2020-07-24

Edit: I derped and forgot that the parts were added in 1.2 So I guess 1.3 is really just a localization patch and refactoring for the expansion coming out. Turns out a new KSP version is around the corner. There isn't much new content, but h...

KSP Mods - Kerbal Krash System, CollisionFX, Destruction Effects by Tangent Games

KSP Mods - Kerbal Krash System, CollisionFX, Destruction Effects

Tangent Games   |   0 views   |   2020-07-24

Checking out 3 mods today, all designed to make your experience of crashing and exploding all the better! Links & Downloads: Kerbal Krash System:

KSP Designs - The Messerschmitt Me 262 by Tangent Games

KSP Designs - The Messerschmitt Me 262

Tangent Games   |   0 views   |   2020-07-24

Right around 1.0.5's release, a commenter mentioned they'd like to make a Me 262 with the new Juno engines. I stole the idea and made my own. :D Stock + adjustable landing gear version: BD armory...

AI Plane Wars (KSP + BD Armory) by Tangent Games

AI Plane Wars (KSP + BD Armory)

Tangent Games   |   0 views   |   2020-07-24

Finally, it is here! BD Armory versions of my planes dogfighting using BD's AI. Downloads: Strikebreaker 100 (BD version): Stubbs 102 (BD version): https://www.medi...

KSP - Taking the Normandy (Mass Effect) to the Mun! by Tangent Games

KSP - Taking the Normandy (Mass Effect) to the Mun!

Tangent Games   |   0 views   |   2020-07-24

This mod can be found here now: Dunno what version it was last updated for because it doesn't say. I'll take a look at redoing this video if I can. Still haven't bought KSP? Go get it now! https://kerbal...

KSP - Space Shuttle, Done Proper (Created by Naito) by Tangent Games

KSP - Space Shuttle, Done Proper (Created by Naito)

Tangent Games   |   0 views   |   2020-07-24

For a long time, I have endeavored to make a stock space shuttle. Naito beat me to it. Still haven't bought KSP? Go get it now! Stock space shuttle on KerbalSpacePort:

KSP - The SkyHawk Mk1 (Super Fast Jet) by Tangent Games

KSP - The SkyHawk Mk1 (Super Fast Jet)

Tangent Games   |   0 views   |   2020-07-24

I took a break from reviewing planes to make my own! Craft has now been named! It is the SkyHawk Mk1! There are two versions available: With turbojets: With basic jets: The comic tha...

KSP News 1.0.5 by Tangent Games

KSP News 1.0.5

Tangent Games   |   0 views   |   2020-07-24

It's that time again. The next update is about to go into experimental testing, so here's the news! Notes, script, and sources can be read here: Please remember that it takes MANY hours...

KSP 1.1 - Stock Aircraft Carrier? by Tangent Games

KSP 1.1 - Stock Aircraft Carrier?

Tangent Games   |   0 views   |   2020-07-24

I started working on a stock aircraft carrier in KSP 1.1 Game: Kerbal Space Program: Questions?