
Found 100 videos

Future Proof Plays: Heaven's Vault - 2021/11/20 by Melissa's Game Streams

Future Proof Plays: Heaven's Vault - 2021/11/20

Melissa's Game Streams   |   0 views   |   2021-12-18

Y'all, I adored this game, and I've already played a bunch more of it (off-stream). Archaeology and linguistics behind some simplifying mechanics (she so quickly guesses when and where things are from! and why does this language not change for 100...

Nether staff of Light demo by Projects

Nether staff of Light demo

Projects   |   4 views   |   2021-09-19

Just a demo of [a pull-request]( that's not yet in the nether mod yet. Trivia: The glowstone has been changed in this video to only last 30 seconds instead of 40, to keep the video short.

A Nether of your own - Nether layers demo by Projects

A Nether of your own - Nether layers demo

Projects   |   2 views   |   2021-07-20

Demo of the ["Deep Nether" Minetest mod](, which adds a deeper realm to the Nether - a "nether layer". This mod is a starting template so you can modify or build off it directly and hit the ground runni...

Minetest's Nether Mantle and beyond - crystal caverns by Projects

Minetest's Nether Mantle and beyond - crystal caverns

Projects   |   0 views   |   2021-07-10

A journey to the crystal caverns inside a giant Nether geode. These can only be reached by travelling through the Mantle - a magma ocean region introduced by v3 of the Nether mod. The sequel [to this video](

From the archives: Worms Reloaded (Linux) vs. BadGamer 24/7 - Novimatrem by Novimatrem đŸ±đŸˆ

From the archives: Worms Reloaded (Linux) vs. BadGamer 24/7 - Novimatrem

Novimatrem đŸ±đŸˆ   |   4 views   |   2021-07-03

A wonderful stream from years passed, of a fun few games of Worms Reloaded with my friend, completely restored and fully edited for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy~ Novimatrem: the site - - https://m...

"Low detail" mode (highlight) by Novimatrem

"Low detail" mode (highlight)

Novimatrem   |   1 views   |   2020-11-23

A small highlight from a stream of Doom 1, Episode 1 that I had fun streaming a little bit ago. You can see the full stream VoD here: Novimatrem: the site - @Novim...

osm2 by Default pascal.meriaux channel


Default pascal.meriaux channel   |   77 views   |   2020-01-05

Vidéo n°2 du jeu OSM Oméga

osm3 by Default pascal.meriaux channel


Default pascal.meriaux channel   |   65 views   |   2020-01-05

Vidéo N°3 du jeu OSM Oméga

osm4 by Default pascal.meriaux channel


Default pascal.meriaux channel   |   29 views   |   2020-01-05

Vidéo numéro 4 du jeu OSM Oméga

OSM Oméga 5 by Default pascal.meriaux channel

OSM Oméga 5

Default pascal.meriaux channel   |   60 views   |   2020-01-05

Vidéo numéro 5 du jeu

ploga-osm1_jeu by Default pascal.meriaux channel


Default pascal.meriaux channel   |   90 views   |   2020-01-05

Vidéo intro jeu OSM-Oméga

19.04 - Jeux vidéos : La solution ./ par Mopi et VV221 by Ubuntu Party - Paris

19.04 - Jeux vidéos : La solution ./ par Mopi et VV221

Ubuntu Party - Paris   |   74 views   |   2019-06-25

« Ton linusque lĂ , c’est nul, il n’y a aucun jeu qui tourne dessus ! ». Si vos jeux sont tout ce qui vous empĂȘche encore de vous dĂ©barrasser de votre double-boot, le bout du tunnel est proche !

18.04 - (en)jeux by Ubuntu Party - Paris

18.04 - (en)jeux

Ubuntu Party - Paris   |   12 views   |   2019-06-03

17.10 - ./, à vos jeux ! Par Antoine « vv221/vv222 » Le Gonidec by Ubuntu Party - Paris

17.10 - ./, à vos jeux ! Par Antoine « vv221/vv222 » Le Gonidec

Ubuntu Party - Paris   |   34 views   |   2019-01-11

./ est un projet nĂ© d’une remarque que j’ai trop souvent entendu lorsque je vante les mĂ©rites de nos systĂšmes d’exploitation libres Ă  des amis adepte du jeu vidĂ©o : « Ton linusque lĂ , c’est nul, il n’y a aucun jeu qui tourne dessus ! » En s...