
Found 910 videos

#358: Q2 2022 Monetary Base Update with Matthew Mežinskis by TFTC

#358: Q2 2022 Monetary Base Update with Matthew Mežinskis

TFTC   |   3 views   |   2022-09-15

Join Marty as he sits back down with Matthew Mežinskis of Porkopolis Economics to discuss the Q2 2022 monetary base update. Follow Matthew Mežinskis on Twitter Read everything discussed at: Porkopolis Econo...

Gandi Soutient : La Quadrature du Net by Chez Les Autres

Gandi Soutient : La Quadrature du Net

Chez Les Autres   |   36 views   |   2022-09-01

La Quadrature du Net, acteur historique de la lutte en faveur d'un Internet libre, compte désormais parmi les projets soutenus par Gandi. À cette occasion, Nono, Responsable technique de l'association, est venu nous parler des différentes actions...

Standortermittlung von Besuchern mit Matomo by MatomoCamp Recordings

Standortermittlung von Besuchern mit Matomo

MatomoCamp Recordings   |   2 views   |   2022-11-20

Der Vortrag wird die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten der Standortermittlung von Besuchern mit Matomo betrachten. Dabei werden auch Herausforderungen, Schwierigkeiten und Einschränkungen benannt und wie mit diesen umgegangen werden kann. Die Kriterie...

Get started with intranet analytics in Matomo by MatomoCamp Recordings

Get started with intranet analytics in Matomo

MatomoCamp Recordings   |   10 views   |   2022-11-09

Marcus had a chapter in an anthology on intranets / digital workplace a couple of years ago. The book is called “Intranets ‐ handbook for intranet managers”. Since then he's been thinking about remixing the content to a presentation but never got ...

Linux security hardening on a Matomo installation by MatomoCamp Recordings

Linux security hardening on a Matomo installation

MatomoCamp Recordings   |   12 views   |   2022-11-24

The talk will start around the Unix and GNU/Linux philosophy of "minimal privileges" and continuing with a whole series of facts about Matomo that it would be best to know in order to best take care of the web application from a sysadmin point of ...

Installazione Matomo in Kubernetes PAAS by MatomoCamp Recordings

Installazione Matomo in Kubernetes PAAS

MatomoCamp Recordings   |   11 views   |   2022-11-23

21' installazione propedeutica di base di un cluster Matomo in Kubernetes su piattaforme PAAS (Digital Ocean) a cura di Massimo Camplone by Massimo Camplone View in Schedule: Audi...

Multi-Server Matomo and Docker by MatomoCamp Recordings

Multi-Server Matomo and Docker

MatomoCamp Recordings   |   16 views   |   2022-11-11

In this talk Richard will discuss Multi-Server setups for Matomo, some advice on how to set them up with configuration options as well as a practical & simplified walk through of configuring a Matomo Docker image for use in deployments. by Rich...

Imagine Ideal Matomo ! by MatomoCamp Recordings

Imagine Ideal Matomo !

MatomoCamp Recordings   |   2 views   |   2022-11-13

by Frédéric Forster View in Schedule: Audio-only: High-Quality Video:

Tag Manager/Consent solutions by MatomoCamp Recordings

Tag Manager/Consent solutions

MatomoCamp Recordings   |   13 views   |   2022-11-16

Want to learn how to handle user consent with Matomo and Matomo Tagmanager? We are gonna go through all the options for collecting consent from users and make sure that Matomo doesn't track anything the user does not agree to. We will also...

Matomo: External Dashboards & Data Visualization by MatomoCamp Recordings

Matomo: External Dashboards & Data Visualization

MatomoCamp Recordings   |   9 views   |   2022-11-16

The data visualization possibilities in Matomo are limited. We are therefore looking at external data visualization solutions and whether and how they can be integrated with Matomo. Specifically for Google Data Studio, we look at the process and t...

Get a kick ass dashboard in Matomo by MatomoCamp Recordings

Get a kick ass dashboard in Matomo

MatomoCamp Recordings   |   22 views   |   2022-11-11

by Niklas Ternstedt View in Schedule: Audio-only: High-Quality Video:

Improve your SEO with Matomo by MatomoCamp Recordings

Improve your SEO with Matomo

MatomoCamp Recordings   |   13 views   |   2022-11-22

This presentation is co-hosted by Thomas Zeithaml and Jean-Marc Courtiade, both SEO and Matomo Analytics specialists. They share their experience of Matomo as a great tool to improve your SEO tactics, from setting up SEO-oriented dashboards to mor...

exo algorigramme by Technologie Collège Louis LACHENAL

exo algorigramme

Technologie Collège Louis LACHENAL   |   1 views   |   2022-12-12

introduction à l'algorigramme.

Valoriser les ressources en économie et gestion by Économie et Gestion de Lyon -Chaîne principale

Valoriser les ressources en économie et gestion

Économie et Gestion de Lyon -Chaîne principale   |   48 views   |   2022-11-20

A travers cette courte vidéo, découvrez comment il vous est possible de faire connaitre vos actions, vos évènements, vos supports de révisions, de cours, et plus globalement vos ressources en économie et gestion. Pour tout renseignement : contact...

Le point sur les contractuels en économie et gestion by Économie et Gestion de Lyon -Chaîne principale

Le point sur les contractuels en économie et gestion

Économie et Gestion de Lyon -Chaîne principale   |   10 views   |   2022-11-06

Le point sur les contractuels Marc Bricard et Christophe Regnault, tous les deux Chargés de Mission d'Inspection (CMI)