
Found 1932 videos

Comprendre le Lightning Network #8 - HTLC by Bitcoin

Comprendre le Lightning Network #8 - HTLC

Bitcoin   |   1 views   |   2021-02-18

"Comprendre le Lightning Network" est une série de courtes vidéos visant à expliquer le fonctionnement du Lightning Network de Bitcoin. Dans ce huitième épisode, nous observons comment les paiements peuvent transiter par des noeuds intermédiaires ...

Comprendre le Lightning Network #9 - Trouver sa voie by Bitcoin

Comprendre le Lightning Network #9 - Trouver sa voie

Bitcoin   |   1 views   |   2021-02-19

"Comprendre le Lightning Network" est une série de courtes vidéos visant à expliquer le fonctionnement du Lightning Network de Bitcoin. Dans ce neuvième épisode, nous nous penchons sur la manière dont les noeuds Lightning trouvent une route au sei...

Measuring consent within Matomo Analytics by Matomo

Measuring consent within Matomo Analytics

Matomo   |   1 views   |   2021-02-19

In this video, I am explaining how you can measure visitors who are giving their consent, optin, versus the one who are not giving you their consent.

Blender Developers Live: Improving motion tracking swatch widget by Blender Developers

Blender Developers Live: Improving motion tracking swatch widget

Blender Developers   |   3 views   |   2021-02-22

Sergey will share live his journey of working on an old standing motion tracking TODO: show next/previous keyframes in the track swatch widget. Fully off the cuff and unscripted, sharing with the world how Blender development looks like from the b...

A Demonstration of Modern Web Bloat by Luke Smith

A Demonstration of Modern Web Bloat

Luke Smith   |   686 views   |   2021-02-23

Soydevs are destroying the internet and now preventing me from eating. The internet is becoming so prohibitively bloated that doing very basic normie life things has become a huge affair and inconvenience. I just want to consooom informational con...

Comprendre le Lightning Network #11 - Gérer sa liquidité by Bitcoin

Comprendre le Lightning Network #11 - Gérer sa liquidité

Bitcoin   |   0 views   |   2021-02-24

"Comprendre le Lightning Network" est une série de courtes vidéos visant à expliquer le fonctionnement du Lightning Network de Bitcoin. Dans ce onzième épisode, nous donnons quelques repères généraux pour répondre à la sempiternelle question de la...

Mes Lampes Olight by Du Cuir & Des Lames

Mes Lampes Olight

Du Cuir & Des Lames   |   2 views   |   2021-02-26

Une petite présentation de mes lampes torche Olight que j'utilise occasionnellement, du modèle "porte-clé" à un modèle "frontal"... _________________________________________________________________________ Vous pouvez découvrir mes réalisations ...

Comprendre le Lightning Network #12 - Conclusion (et merci !) by Bitcoin

Comprendre le Lightning Network #12 - Conclusion (et merci !)

Bitcoin   |   0 views   |   2021-02-26

"Comprendre le Lightning Network" est une série de courtes vidéos visant à expliquer le fonctionnement du Lightning Network de Bitcoin. Dans ce douzième (et dernier) épisode de la première saison, nous passons en revue les différentes notions que ...

Extreme Vim Macros for Traditionalist Catholics by Luke Smith

Extreme Vim Macros for Traditionalist Catholics

Luke Smith   |   259 views   |   2021-03-02

This is how you do pretty advanced actions in vim automatically. In this case, I want vim to automatically insert footnotes taken from the end of a text file in the appropriate place for them to be formatted automatically in a LaTeX document. This...

The War against Web Bloat Continues... by Luke Smith

The War against Web Bloat Continues...

Luke Smith   |   457 views   |   2021-03-06

Episode V: The Soydevs Strike Back... Many people have taken up my challenge to make minimalist recipe and cooking sites in the previous videos, but not everyone has what it takes... My website: Please donate: https://lukesm...

GreaseMonkey creación grupos aula virtual ULL by asoc_educatic

GreaseMonkey creación grupos aula virtual ULL

asoc_educatic   |   0 views   |   2021-03-18

Explicación del uso del script de GreaseMonkey creado para añadir usuarios a grupos copiando y pegando listas de e-mails (alus)

SoyDevs DESTROYED Epic Style by Based Cooking (NOT CLICKBAIT) by Luke Smith

SoyDevs DESTROYED Epic Style by Based Cooking (NOT CLICKBAIT)

Luke Smith   |   719 views   |   2021-03-19

This is how you fix the internet. With one site, put together by me and random people I've never met on the internet, we are already offering a much more easy to consooom recipe site that all other competitors. Soydevs in shambles. https://based....

GreaseMonkey creación grupos aula virtual ULL by luisfajardo

GreaseMonkey creación grupos aula virtual ULL

luisfajardo   |   0 views   |   2021-03-18

Explicación del uso del script de GreaseMonkey creado para añadir usuarios a grupos copiando y pegando listas de e-mails (alus)

A "Hot Tip" to Restore the Minimalist Web by Luke Smith

A "Hot Tip" to Restore the Minimalist Web

Luke Smith   |   393 views   |   2021-03-24

This is just a little tool I use to find and browse unbloated and often personal webpages that don't get the attention of big search engines that want soydevvery. It's, a search engine where anyone can submit a webpage, but the onl...

On Gemini and Gopher (Luke DEFENDS Javascript!) by Luke Smith

On Gemini and Gopher (Luke DEFENDS Javascript!)

Luke Smith   |   807 views   |   2021-03-24

Speculative technology has to overcome networking effects. As it is right now, https is the standard and there is little hope of reversing that. If you are in favor of some minimalist alternative to the modern bloated web like the Gemini or Gopher...