
Found 6103 videos

lightning liquidity deep dive by Base58

lightning liquidity deep dive

Base58   |   0 views   |   2022-07-04

nifty talks about liquidity ads, the price of anarchy, and a new proposal for how to publish lightning channel liquidity Lisa:

Hand-Computed Checksums and Secret Sharing w/ Andrew Poelstra by Base58

Hand-Computed Checksums and Secret Sharing w/ Andrew Poelstra

Base58   |   0 views   |   2022-07-04

Will work through a variant of "codex32", a volvelle (paper computer) based scheme for generating and verifying checksums; splitting and recovering secrets; encrypting and decrypting them. Throughout we will avoid the use of electronic computers, ...

Ordinal Art: Mint Your own NFTs on Bitcoin w/ @rodarmor by Base58

Ordinal Art: Mint Your own NFTs on Bitcoin w/ @rodarmor

Base58   |   1 views   |   2022-07-04

Mint your own Bitcoin NFT using ordinals. Ordinals: Casey Rodarmor:

Building with LDK by Base58

Building with LDK

Base58   |   1 views   |   2022-07-03

Come along! Let's take a journey through the Lightning Development Kit. Learn how to build your very own lightning node with as much or as little customizations as you desire. Arik: Jeff:

Getting Started with Liquid Assets w/ Randy Naar by Base58

Getting Started with Liquid Assets w/ Randy Naar

Base58   |   0 views   |   2022-07-03

This workshop will focus on how one can issue assets on the Liquid blockchain and register them using the Blockstream asset registry

Improving Bitcoin-Core Wallet w/ Murch by Base58

Improving Bitcoin-Core Wallet w/ Murch

Base58   |   2 views   |   2022-07-03

An overview of recent feature additions for the Bitcoin Core wallet and what topics contributors are working on these days. Murch:

Dark Mode Maximalism, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Fix the GUI by Base58

Dark Mode Maximalism, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Fix the GUI

Base58   |   1 views   |   2022-07-03

Yes, the Bitcoin Core GUI is ugly and slow. Join me for an overview of the work being done to revamp the Bitcoin Core GUI and release process changes that will allow for shipping dark mode faster. Also, If you stay till the end, I’ll let you in on...

Getting Started with CLN and Lightning by Base58

Getting Started with CLN and Lightning

Base58   |   0 views   |   2022-07-03

Let's get our feet wet with a CLN node -- we'll use some repl.its to setup nodes and get started with lightning. All levels welcome, especially those looking to run a node for themselves. Replit:

Let's Contribute to Bitcoin Core by Base58

Let's Contribute to Bitcoin Core

Base58   |   2 views   |   2022-07-03

Bitcoin Core depends on contributors to advance, maintain, and protect the software. This session will orient you in the space, and help you to your first contribution. SETUP: To prepare for this session, if you are comfortable doing so, please in...

Coinbase's Crypto Community Fund aka Developer Grants! w/ Trent Fuenmayor by Base58

Coinbase's Crypto Community Fund aka Developer Grants! w/ Trent Fuenmayor

Base58   |   0 views   |   2022-07-03

Presenting on our thematic areas for developers. Inviting devs to apply for grants! Trent:

HD Wallets: BIP32/BIP44/BIP39 Learn by Coding by Base58

HD Wallets: BIP32/BIP44/BIP39 Learn by Coding

Base58   |   1 views   |   2022-07-03

Learn BIP32/BIP44/BIP39 HD Wallets through a step-by-step coding tutorial. SETUP: Install Jupyter and have it running on your laptop. Jimmy Song:

Introduction to Zero Knowledge Proofs by Base58

Introduction to Zero Knowledge Proofs

Base58   |   0 views   |   2022-07-03

A "hands-on" workshop where we will explore what Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) are and what they can do, come up with a few of our own, and see some implications for digital signatures! Nadav Kohen: https://btcpp...

Smart Contracts on Liquid: From Zero to Hero by Base58

Smart Contracts on Liquid: From Zero to Hero

Base58   |   0 views   |   2022-07-02

Elements Tapscript, a superset of Bitcoin Script, it allows developers to build secure, efficient and private smart contracts thanks to powerful introspection capabilities, MAST introduced with taproot and the stateless nature of the Bitcoin UTXO ...

Demystifying Elliptic Curves by Base58

Demystifying Elliptic Curves

Base58   |   1 views   |   2022-07-02

Elliptic curves play an integral role in Bitcoin transactions, but you don't need a degree to understand them. We'll break down the discrete log problem using interactive visual notebooks that illustrate the key concepts. This workshop is aimed at...

Bridging social & financial networks with Lightning by Base58

Bridging social & financial networks with Lightning

Base58   |   0 views   |   2022-07-02

As lightning has transitioned from an experiment to a hobby project to payment infrastructure, the decentralized network has struggled with coordination. In order to create an efficient market, node operators need better ways to communicate proble...

Bitcoin & Lightning SERVER by 402 Payment Required

Bitcoin & Lightning SERVER

402 Payment Required   |   7 views   |   2022-07-02

04:41 PART 1 - Preparing the Server 09:26 PART 2 - Download, verify, build ! 17:03 PART 3 - Services 45:17 PART 4 - Remote Access over Tor ### VIDEO CHEAT SHEETS ###

The Death of SpaceTime & Birth of Conscious Agents, Donald Hoffman by The Conspiracy Distillery

The Death of SpaceTime & Birth of Conscious Agents, Donald Hoffman

The Conspiracy Distillery   |   0 views   |   2022-07-10

Spacetime is doomed. It, and its particles, cannot be fundamental in physical theory, but must emerge from a more fundamental theory. I review the converging evidence for this claim from physics and evolution, and then propose a new way to think o...

Hyperstition: Delphi Carstens at TEDxTableMountain by The Conspiracy Distillery

Hyperstition: Delphi Carstens at TEDxTableMountain

The Conspiracy Distillery   |   1 views   |   2022-07-04

Delphi is a lecturer at UWC, as well as half of the duo which makes up Groovy Troopers Productions - creators of temporary autonomous zones in the form of art & trance festivals. Delphi is currently completing a doctorate thesis, and will present ...

Bisq on Tails by 402 Payment Required

Bisq on Tails

402 Payment Required   |   11 views   |   2022-07-07

- SCRIPTS: - Linux Tails: - Linux Tails OS Review: - Tails Persistent Storage:

ZapLoy by Base58


Base58   |   1 views   |   2022-07-04

The Bridge by Base58

The Bridge

Base58   |   0 views   |   2022-07-04

Sats4Tips by Base58


Base58   |   0 views   |   2022-07-04