Microwave - Michael Van Swearingen
Michael Van Swearingen | 122 views | 2019-11-20
Spider teaches Earth how to use a microwave <3
Spider teaches Earth how to use a microwave <3
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Im August 2020 führte Alec Baldwin mit Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ein Interview. Der US-Amerikanischer Rechtsanwalt, Robert F. Kenedy Jr., ist ein entschiedener Gegner von Impfstoffen, die in den USA nie durch Placebostudien auf ihre Sicherheit hin ...
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Please watch with subtitles. You're welcome to translate it and contact me: - Email: kktkmailing AT disroot DOT org - Other contact methods: https://kktk.neocities.org/contact.html Original writing by Cadence Ember: - "....can't think of any...
Link to Prav App Website: [prav.app](https://prav.app) Android App: [F-droid](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/app.prav.client/) IOS Application development fundraising campaign: https://opencollective.com/prav-ios #PravApp #NamukkNammudeApp
Tom, Dick, and Larry, also known as The Dover Boys of Pimento University, rescue their fiancée, Dainty Dora Standpipe, from Dan Backslide. Director: Charles M. Jones Producer: Leon Schlesinger Translate this cartoon: http://universalsubtitl...
YouTube.com/c/BITC0IN https://odysee.com/@BITCOIN:d77 https://zbd.gg/BITC0IN ⬅️⚡Lightning⚡or Fiat➡️https://patreon.com/BITC0IN https://twitter.com/BITCOINALLCAPS Video Source: https://www.foxnews.com https://discord.gg/K5H25KZHke - j...
YouTube.com/c/BITC0IN https://twitter.com/BITCOINALLCAPS https://zbd.gg/BITC0IN ⬅️⚡Lightning⚡or Fiat➡️https://patreon.com/BITC0IN https://odysee.com/@BITCOIN:d77 https://Rumble.com/c/c-14400 Video Source: https://youtu.be/CRi8r0XQFHU...
Download now 👉 https://github.com/supertuxkart/stk-code/releases/tag/1.3-rc1 Want to know more? 🤜 https://blog.supertuxkart.net/ - Trailer musics : - Boss Battle 2 (CC0) https://opengameart.org/content/boss-battle-2-symphonic-metal -Boom Bo...
Video made by fodoman, uploaded first at https://odysee.com/@Fodoman:e/STK_Basics:4 . No license, ask him for use I guess.
please ask me before using this footage in your videos.
11790 kHz | 22.04.2020 | Southern Poland
La corrupción y degeneración del ser humano promovida desde las élites de poder con fines oscuros y malvados no tiene el menor reparo en ser ejecutada atacando desde la infancia a los niños. El siguiente vídeo resume en 5 minutos cómo están tratan...